View Full Version : Hi

06-20-2013, 07:20 AM
Hello, just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Mell and I'm working my way through some severe anxiety issues. I've always had issues with anxiety but it would seem that a perfect storm, so to speak, of life events has gathered together to let me know that it is all more than I can handle in the ways I have dealt with it in the past. So this time, I'm using every available avenue for assistance. Hoping this forum can be part of that. Thanks!

06-20-2013, 07:23 AM
Hi Mell! I am Jenn and I too turned to the forum Monday because I am suffering anxiety. Although thanks to a great person on here I have had some relief so I am here if you need to talk. I never thought this would help but it really does. I am at a calmer state of mind than I was 3 days ago.

06-20-2013, 07:24 AM
That gives me hope, Jenn, to know it has helped you already. Thanks!

06-20-2013, 07:40 AM
I would be lying if I said I am better but I do feel that talking it out really helps. I spoke to my therapist yesterday and got more from this forum than I did him. Not saying he is bad its just I got more from hearing some peoples stories. It helped to know I am not alone in this. I still have a little nervousness but nothing like 3 days ago. It does get better and its hard to see that when you are in the midst of panic Trust me I felt that way too. You know something that really helped me is you tube guided relaxation techniques. Sounds so silly but I was willing to do anything. Of course I have to be home to do them b/c sometimes it makes me sleepy but at least it works for a bit.

06-20-2013, 08:12 AM
Talking definitely helps. I agree. Anxiety is very isolating. Sometimes having someone to talk to makes all the difference in the world. There are times I watch the world go by around me and I so desperately want someone to have time to just take a walk or sit and have coffee with me to stave off the anxiety. Someone who feels like a little time is more important than their dishes. I guess because I am the type of person who puts other people above me. If a friend calls and says can you have coffee, I say yes and unless I have an appointment I will drop what I'm doing and be there because I understand the value of giving time. But I seem to be surrounded by people who can't be bothered to even answer a text, or are so super busy that even coffee is out of the question. So maybe an online forum, coupled with therapy is the way to go.

06-20-2013, 08:20 AM
Talking definitely helps. I agree. Anxiety is very isolating. Sometimes having someone to talk to makes all the difference in the world. There are times I watch the world go by around me and I so desperately want someone to have time to just take a walk or sit and have coffee with me to stave off the anxiety. Someone who feels like a little time is more important than their dishes. I guess because I am the type of person who puts other people above me. If a friend calls and says can you have coffee, I say yes and unless I have an appointment I will drop what I'm doing and be there because I understand the value of giving time. But I seem to be surrounded by people who can't be bothered to even answer a text, or are so super busy that even coffee is out of the question. So maybe an online forum, coupled with therapy is the way to go.

Hello calimel welcome to the forum we are all here to help each other,we all get the same thoughts and feelings and everyone on here is really lovely if ever you need a chat then the place is here :) I'm Emma by the way

06-20-2013, 08:24 AM
Thanks, Emma!