View Full Version : How can i stop looking at my ex's twitter?

06-20-2013, 06:31 AM
Hello all,

I was with my first love for 19months and all of a sudden he turned nasty within the lastmonth he just started lien and taking drugs it was horrible. But i never gave up and i never walked away. He caused me to suffer depression and BAD anxiety.

However, when we split up i straight away deleted his facebook and blocked him so that i couldn't see him getting close to other girls, or happy with out me, bitchy status's any of it, i just didnt want to know.

Then he kept texting me like why've you set this tweet? I was like how do you know i set that? you don't even have twitter...

Turned out he got twitter a day after we split up so he could tell if i was okay or not...more like if i put a bitchy tweet up or not. Ive blocked him on twitter cause i found out his name, however he can still see my tweets and i can see his. Ive tried not looking i honestly have. I keep saying tomorrows i will stop then i said no i will stop right now..i did but then i looked ;/ if i have had a drink id look. If im upset about anything ill look.

I wanna find the will power to just not care and to stop looking. Any advice to help me?

Christopher H.
06-21-2013, 06:30 AM
Hi Beckii, I'm sorry that you have to deal with these things but from reading your post it looks like you are working hard on overcoming the problems associated with the break up. As for the twitter thing even though you are looking at his page deep down you want to change and no longer look at it, which is a good thing. Maybe you could start slowly and tell yourself you are only going to look at his twitter page a certain times per day. Always trying your best to meet the number limit you created. If you do try this just remember to not give up just because you may have looked at his page a lot that day. The important thing is that you are trying. I believe you will find the will power to stop looking at his tweets as long as you keep trying. In the end its all about what works for you. I wish you the best of luck.