View Full Version : Nervousness will not go away? How long after attack doe it take to feel normal again?

06-19-2013, 07:54 AM
I have not had anxiety attacks like this before and the nervousness seems to linger longer than I ever remember. I am on 50mg of Zoloft and starting to increase tonight. I heard Zoloft is more for depression than anxiety but I have been on 50mg for 10 years and it seemed to help. Now nothing is helping except breathing exercises for a moment. I went through this in May and it went away until the 17th of this month. So I got a couple weeks of normalcy. I was excited cause I thought I kicked its booty. Now it is back and I have been sick with anxiousness. What worked for me before is not working for me now. I used to listen to positive music to help and this month its not helping, I used to wanna call the friends who understood me me and talk but not this time. I seem to be more scared of what people will think since I am going through this again for the second time in two months. I honestly can say that I am exhausted form this and tired of letting it control my life. I need some help and I am lost. I have a therapy appt today so wish me luck!

06-19-2013, 08:20 AM
I have not had anxiety attacks like this before and the nervousness seems to linger longer than I ever remember. I am on 50mg of Zoloft and starting to increase tonight. I heard Zoloft is more for depression than anxiety but I have been on 50mg for 10 years and it seemed to help. Now nothing is helping except breathing exercises for a moment. I went through this in May and it went away until the 17th of this month. So I got a couple weeks of normalcy. I was excited cause I thought I kicked its booty. Now it is back and I have been sick with anxiousness. What worked for me before is not working for me now. I used to listen to positive music to help and this month its not helping, I used to wanna call the friends who understood me me and talk but not this time. I seem to be more scared of what people will think since I am going through this again for the second time in two months. I honestly can say that I am exhausted form this and tired of letting it control my life. I need some help and I am lost. I have a therapy appt today so wish me luck!

Antidepressant and anti-anxiety medications are often used to treat agoraphobia and panic symptoms. You may have to try several different medications before you find one that works best for you. " mayo clinic


You probably need a larger dose.. Hopefully you will feel relief as your dr increases.

But I can't remember.. I know I have read some other posts of yours.. And seems you have had great success with Zoloft in the past.. But now not so much.. Maybe you can try another drug .. I was on Paxil for a bit.. That was quite effective too..

06-19-2013, 08:51 AM
I took Paxil before Zoloft and I kept passing out. Weird huh? I am going to talk to my doctor today but I almost feel I may have an ulcer or something from all my nervousness. I have a burning in my tummy like no other. Never had that before either. You seem to be so together. How do you maintain? i am at work and I am barely holding it together.

06-19-2013, 08:58 AM
I took Paxil before Zoloft and I kept passing out. Weird huh? I am going to talk to my doctor today but I almost feel I may have an ulcer or something from all my nervousness. I have a burning in my tummy like no other. Never had that before either. You seem to be so together. How do you maintain? i am at work and I am barely holding it together.

I'm not so together lol :).. But you may be experiencing more anxiety at this moment in time than I am. I have been worse in my life.. But since I have felt this dip/relapse I acted as quickly As possible to get back on meds and in therapy. I'm only on 75mg of Zoloft rt now.. Increasing slowly as we shd.. I have good days, and not so good days..
I'm hopeful that I return to myself ASAP..
Gotta say.. Freaks me out!!! To read that people don't respond to meds! Whewww saved my life! I hate to consider not responding to them.. Smh..

06-19-2013, 09:25 AM
I'm not so together lol :).. But you may be experiencing more anxiety at this moment in time than I am. I have been worse in my life.. But since I have felt this dip/relapse I acted as quickly As possible to get back on meds and in therapy. I'm only on 75mg of Zoloft rt now.. Increasing slowly as we shd.. I have good days, and not so good days..
I'm hopeful that I return to myself ASAP..
Gotta say.. Freaks me out!!! To read that people don't respond to meds! Whewww saved my life! I hate to consider not responding to them.. Smh..

Did you have extreme drowsiness when you increased, I only ask because it is so hard for me to function when I can barely hold my eyes open. Like i said before I had a bout of major anxiety in May and I increased to 100 and dang I was floored. I have to work everyday and was almost falling asleep on the drive to work. I dont know if it was the Zoloft increase or just the anxiety kicking the booty. Either way I am a big chicken now.

06-19-2013, 09:35 AM
Did you have extreme drowsiness when you increased, I only ask because it is so hard for me to function when I can barely hold my eyes open. Like i said before I had a bout of major anxiety in May and I increased to 100 and dang I was floored. I have to work everyday and was almost falling asleep on the drive to work. I dont know if it was the Zoloft increase or just the anxiety kicking the booty. Either way I am a big chicken now.

Lol :-) I hear ya.. 100 mg isn't a lot either though.. I think if I am correct, 150mgs + is where the effects really become more significant.. But everyone is different..

I have not felt sleepy due to Zoloft.. I did feel sleepy due to lorazepam .. But I wd gladly trade insane for sleepy any day ;) haha..

Hmm.. I do know I have felt completely overwhelmingly tried due to anxiety.. Of course I panicked bc I thought I was experiencing narcolepsy.. Lol! I kid u not I am ridiculous! Lol..

My dr assured me that I was not going to unexpectedly fall asleep into some narcoleptic fit.. But rather that intense anxiety can lead to extreme exhaustion.. For one it IS exhausting.. And also the body may get tired and sleepy in an attempt to escape what is perceived as traumatic.. Maybe this is what is happening to you?

06-19-2013, 09:40 AM
I also think it takes so much time to feel the positive effects.. Grrr..

I have been on as much as 200 mgs of Zoloft.. But hung around on 150 happily for a bit too..

06-19-2013, 09:58 AM
I also think it takes so much time to feel the positive effects.. Grrr..

I have been on as much as 200 mgs of Zoloft.. But hung around on 150 happily for a bit too..

I feel so much better knowing I am not alone. I worry too much but when you are in the middle of anxiety I suppose it is normal. I am definitely increasing my Zoloft after I speak with my doctor today. I cant function at work without bouncing my knee and nervous stomach, not eating, worried I may drive my hubby crazy. Too much and this time is totally different than last and I cannot figure out why it is so different than just last month. I was hysterical last month and this month it consumes my every thought.

06-19-2013, 10:06 AM
I feel so much better knowing I am not alone. I worry too much but when you are in the middle of anxiety I suppose it is normal. I am definitely increasing my Zoloft after I speak with my doctor today. I cant function at work without bouncing my knee and nervous stomach, not eating, worried I may drive my hubby crazy. Too much and this time is totally different than last and I cannot figure out why it is so different than just last month. I was hysterical last month and this month it consumes my every thought.

I hear ya.. An yes speaking to ea other on here does make me feel normal and not alone too :).

Sometimes when I am really feeling a lot of anxiety I back off of the topic altogether .. Maybe at wk you can read funny jokes or surf the web "window shopping" for great nee shoes to get yourself in a better state of mind while at work..

Sometimes distraction makes me feel better..

06-19-2013, 10:21 AM
Anxiety goes through many fazes in order to control you! It will be a bit of a roller coaster ride, and with the help you are getting it will all smooth out! Just realize all the sensations you are getting is just that! Just tell yourself my belly feels weird but that's because of the adrenalin in my body and it is not harmfully! When you breath make sure you breath through your nose, slow breaths and belly breath! And even though you don't want to eat, eat anyways! Because you will just feel worst! I had the same issue with my stomach, and hated eating! I just ate small things throughout the day, and LOL I had to walk around and eat, I couldn't sit still and eat. But the important thing is I ate!

Good luck!


06-19-2013, 11:41 AM
I hear ya.. An yes speaking to ea other on here does make me feel normal and not alone too :).

Sometimes when I am really feeling a lot of anxiety I back off of the topic altogether .. Maybe at wk you can read funny jokes or surf the web "window shopping" for great nee shoes to get yourself in a better state of mind while at work..

Sometimes distraction makes me feel better..

I tried lol and failed.... So I am back. It consumes you and it kinda feels good knowing you got people to talk to. I feel like I annoy everyone with this issue. I cannot wait to get to where i can get on here just to help out like you are doing. I have to say thank you because you may not have even known but you got my mind off of it for a little while today and that I CAN handle :)

06-19-2013, 12:01 PM
What do you mean you toyed and failed? One thing you should know is you never fail! Because every time you face your anxiety you win! No matter how small. In one way or another it made a difference to how you feel! Baby steps! It takes time, but with persistence you will win! You need to take small 10 min time outs during the day to relax, think positive things, and breath! Your mind is very powerful, what don't seem to be working on Monday, will be very effective by Friday!

06-19-2013, 12:06 PM
Anxiety goes through many fazes in order to control you! It will be a bit of a roller coaster ride, and with the help you are getting it will all smooth out! Just realize all the sensations you are getting is just that! Just tell yourself my belly feels weird but that's because of the adrenalin in my body and it is not harmfully! When you breath make sure you breath through your nose, slow breaths and belly breath! And even though you don't want to eat, eat anyways! Because you will just feel worst! I had the same issue with my stomach, and hated eating! I just ate small things throughout the day, and LOL I had to walk around and eat, I couldn't sit still and eat. But the important thing is I ate!

Good luck!


I am definitely on that roller coaster ride now and it sucks. I always seem to feel a little better as the day goes on but the mornings kick my booty. I notice if I stay busy I am fine but the second I am not...BAM.... it hits and I have a hard time holding back. I cannot cry at work even though I feel I am about too. I donT understand how people function everyday at work with these horrible issues.

06-19-2013, 12:08 PM
I tried lol and failed.... So I am back. It consumes you and it kinda feels good knowing you got people to talk to. I feel like I annoy everyone with this issue. I cannot wait to get to where i can get on here just to help out like you are doing. I have to say thank you because you may not have even known but you got my mind off of it for a little while today and that I CAN handle :)

Ohhhh that's so awesome! I'm so so happy I was helpful for you! And I am happy you were able to have some peace today :-))))