View Full Version : Our super powers

06-18-2013, 02:51 PM
In my quest to overcome this horrible anxiety, one thing I have learned is that the mind and the body are inextricably linked. A panic attack is nothing more than proof of this fact. What the mind thinks, the body displays. You worry about your heart and you have chest pain, rapid heart beat. You worry about your digestion and you have heart burn, nausea and ibs. It's really quite terrible...

Or is it?

It occurs to me that people who suffer from panic must have a heightened mind-body connection, or else our symptoms would not be so severe. But let's think beyond our pain and fear. Lets follow that thought to its logical conclusion. Can we turn this negative into a positive? Should we shoot for something more than just a cure? Can we turn our heightened mind-body connection into an advantage?

If our negative thoughts, worries and fears can make us sick, then it follows that the opposite-- positive affirmations, hopes and joy-- can make us healthy. We all have heard stories of people curing illnesses with their minds. Tales of cancer tumors melting away when a person watched only comedies and laughed all day long. Doctors call such things miracles, but they are really only the product of the untapped power of the mind-body connection. He laughed his cancer away because he believed laughter could cure his illness.

We are extra sensitive to our mind body connection. If you want proof of it, simply allow yourself to dwell on heart palpitations, one of our least favorite anxiety symptoms. Do it for just a few minutes, and I guarantee your heart will start knocking in your chest. The proof is right there.

Our problem is that we worry about sickness and death when we should be thinking about good health and long life. It is a fault in our personalities. Somehow, at some time in the past, we got in the habit of it, and the symptoms that accompanied this thinking trapped us in a self-reinforcing loop of mental and physical misery. The great thing about our heightened mind-body sensitivity is that it can be used the opposite way, too! With some mental effort and determination, we can change it from a hindrance to a really powerful strength!

06-18-2013, 03:07 PM
I am terrible when it comes to those nasty what ifs. I do it all the time, and they will often throw me into a panic attack. What if I'm really sick and this is not just anxiety? What if I have cancer? What if I die today? What if I have a panic attack? Your mind does not interpret these as simple worries. Your mind interprets these thoughts as affirmations, and responds, of course, with terror. You are programming yourself. I am sick. I have cancer. I will die.

If you can't stop the what if questions, then put them to your advantage. What if I'm getting stronger and stronger. What if I am healthy. What if I live to 100? What if I am happy all day long. You will not be trying to stifle your thoughts, just adjust them a little, and your brain (and body) will respond accordingly.

It's long been known that we are what we think. Scientists call this the placebo effect, and often dismiss the true power of this effect. There are documented cases of people recovering from fatal illnesses simply because they had faith in a placebo, a sugar pill, or some other method that could not possibly have had any effect on their body. It was the power of their minds that cured them, and we can tap into that same power.

In fact, it should be easier for us, because we've been exercising that muscle to make us ill.

When you catch yourself doing the what ifs, or worrying about your health, or just doubting yourself or denigrating your worth as a human being, simply flip those thoughts around, and use your powerful minds to grant yourself strength, health, tranquility and joy. You can do it. It's easy. You've been doing the opposite all this time. Anxiety is just the dark side of the placebo effect. All we have to do is break our previous negative habituations.

06-18-2013, 03:20 PM
If you are interested in this thread, how about responding with a description of the thoughts that cause you to panic, and then follow that with the opposite thought, one that can use your powerful mind-body connection to your advantage. I'll go first: I often worry that I will get sick to my stomach when I eat. This what if becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy for me. So instead, I am going to say to myself the next time I eat, "what if this food nourishes my body? What if it makes me strong and healthy?" See, I am using the same thought format that makes me ill (what if this upsets my stomach) rather than trying to stifle or ignore it. I can assure you, trying to stifle your thoughts don't work. It's like trying not to think of a pink elephant when someone says, whatever you do, don't picture a pink elephant in your mind, and your subconscious mind does not ignore anything. It's what's gotten us in this boat in the first place.

So don't do it. Don't try to stifle or ignore a thought. Just... Give it a little twist at the end.

What if my hearts starts racing if I go for a walk... And it makes my heart stronger.

What if I breath easier now.

What if I am balanced and graceful.

It's so simple. It's so easy. You can start doing it now.

06-18-2013, 03:26 PM
Good post! Interesting as well .

06-18-2013, 03:35 PM
Thanks, shara. I feel like I had an epiphany. I was laying in bed, heart knocking, hands cold, asking myself why am I doing this to myself? I know this is all just anxiety! And then it hit me... I am doing this to myself with my mind! And if I can make myself sick with my mind, I can make myself healthy with my mind! I thought, I'm using my powers for evil! Lol!

06-18-2013, 07:22 PM
I can not disclose my Super Powers! :)

06-18-2013, 07:59 PM
Brilliant, Cobra - thanks for the reminder! I totally believe what you stated and I said something similar to PanicCured a while ago. I said something like "if I can bring on a panic attack whenever I get on the highway then I sure as hell can NOT bring one on!" It's truly what we tell ourselves and we keep telling ourselves the wrong things. I know this is true but I keep forgetting. I am going to start right now to put a positive spin on my negative thoughts and "what ifs?" The more we do it, the more it will become second nature.

Chris, your Super Power is safe with me, but we really should look into getting you a cape with a big "E" on it, and the "E" won't stand for Enduronman. :)

06-18-2013, 08:35 PM
Thanks Sue! Make me a "Handi Man" cape like Damon Wayons wears...LMAO!! :)

06-18-2013, 09:43 PM
This isn't about just stopping anxiety, Dusting, but making our powerful thoughts a strength instead of a hindrance. Rather than treat our minds as faulty in some manner, we should think of them as gifted. Our minds are more powerful than the average, able to influence bodily processes that are not supposed to be influenced by thought. So the question becomes "how can I put this to good use" rather than "how can I stop these panic attacks". We can heal our ailments if we are determined enough to do it. Fight off infections. Boost certain bodily functions. Probably quite similar to the feats that can be performed by shaolin monks and yogis. We have accessed these abilities though negativity and worry and fear to our detriment. We just need to learn how to do the opposite of that, and decide what we want to apply it to.

06-18-2013, 11:00 PM
This isn't about just stopping anxiety, Dusting, but making our powerful thoughts a strength instead of a hindrance. Rather than treat our minds as faulty in some manner, we should think of them as gifted. Our minds are more powerful than the average, able to influence bodily processes that are not supposed to be influenced by thought. So the question becomes "how can I put this to good use" rather than "how can I stop these panic attacks". We can heal our ailments if we are determined enough to do it. Fight off infections. Boost certain bodily functions. Probably quite similar to the feats that can be performed by shaolin monks and yogis. We have accessed these abilities though negativity and worry and fear to our detriment. We just need to learn how to do the opposite of that, and decide what we want to apply it to.

Very well said!!! Really made me pause and think, I don't give up easy this really gives me a large goal to complete!

06-19-2013, 12:44 AM
Here is an article on positive thinking by the mayo clinic. Positive thought can have a large effect on our health.


06-19-2013, 12:58 AM
And for those of a religious bent, a couple passages from the bible.

Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
Psalm 37:3-4 (KJV)

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)

You know, prayer is a form of meditation, and can be a good way to practice positive thought. I was raised in a household where god was considered judgmental and condemning. I have been reassessing those attitudes as well. I did not realize how much I judged myself and how negative I could be about my "failings". It was very Old Testament, but god is not really like that. God is loving and forgiving, and once you are forgiven, those failings are gone. If you are a spiritual person, don't forget to take your issues up with god. I don't want to preach too much and turn off you non-religious types. I just want to cover all the bases, and prayer can be some of the most powerful positive thought!