View Full Version : everyday its something

06-17-2013, 07:49 PM
I know allot of u have health related anxiety... As do i. But dam its like everyday its something ... Either feel like i can't breath. Or im light headed one day. Dizzy the next. Chest pains another.... Its never ending .... Do people experience this to on a day to day basis.... The only time i feel good is when i first wake up for about an hour or two

06-18-2013, 12:09 AM
I know i deal with all those things every single day. It's exhausting and I'm so sorry you have to deal with it. I would never wish it on anyone but its nice to know you're not alone..

06-18-2013, 01:43 AM
Thank u. Today is the first day in a while ive had to take a zanex ... But i feel better... And it is nice to know i am not alone

06-18-2013, 01:47 AM
Thank u. Today is the first day in a while ive had to take a zanex ... But i feel better... And it is nice to know i am not alone

Hi, Your not alone we are here for you! Ive suffered from pa,gad,social phobia and depression for 28yrs! If you ever need to talk pls PM me ok! Hope your feeling better today. (Hugs) xx P.S. Im like that everyday also it never ends!

06-18-2013, 03:06 AM
I feel that same way, fine for about 2-4 hours after waking up, then its dizziness/lightheaded/breathless/naseous or all 4 at night.

06-18-2013, 03:32 AM
Yep, pretty much all day every day over here. Sometimes I'll wake up in the morning and as soon as I open my eyes I already feel nausea and just generally sick. Once I start moving around though and doing things I feel a little better, but doeant go away for very long. Then ill start to feel sick again around dinner time. I wasn't taking my klonopin for at least 3 weeks but I've decided to.take it regularly for a while to see if I can push this anxiety away for good now.

06-18-2013, 08:38 PM
Every day all day just as you described. Chest pain stomach pain heart beating nausea acid reflex and right now the past 15 days I have not been able to eat. My son is what gets me through each day, I know I have to be strong for him, to take care of him, pay the bills, put food in the house and keep a roof over his head. He is the reason I make myself get out of bed, he is the reason I know I have to get behind the wheel and go to work. It is damn hard and it hurts every day! Some days are better than others I know I have been fighting it for almost 10 yrs I think some struggle for yrs others only a few months. We are all here for you though!