View Full Version : Anxious stomach

06-17-2013, 07:51 AM
My stomach is never at ease.. Not only due to my anxiety but stress has caused me acid reflux and Ibs I truly believe this came from anxiety anda acid reflux came shortly after I just began anxiety.. I am nothing like my friends.. They are all normal happy.. I pretty much just play along.. Fake it till u make it.. I mean I can't just start bashing things cry al day n pitty myself I got to keep living!!

06-17-2013, 08:01 AM
My stomach is never at ease.. Not only due to my anxiety but stress has caused me acid reflux and Ibs I truly believe this came from anxiety anda acid reflux came shortly after I just began anxiety.. I am nothing like my friends.. They are all normal happy.. I pretty much just play along.. Fake it till u make it.. I mean I can't just start bashing things cry al day n pitty myself I got to keep living!!

I fake it too! Lol.. Bc people wd run away fm me screaming lmao.. That may be a little dramatic ;).. But I know wht you are saying.

Anyway.. I am DX w chronic depression.. OCD.. And agoraphobia..

I suffered for many many years believing this was just who I was.. And trying to deal.. Until I received therapy and meds.. I can't tell u how much that improved my quality of life..

I recently got off the Meds and symptoms are returning so.. I am in a relapse.. But now I'm on meds! Yay! But I have to patiently wait for them to take effect.. Grrr

06-17-2013, 08:11 AM
Nice to meet you Hun.. I hope that you get better.. I also believe in power of the mind.. Maybe you were a little worried the symptoms will come back after stopping meds, the mind can do many things and is capable of more than we know.. Ahh so annoyed :(.. I beat depression after 4 years of having it. But don't be fooled I still suffer heaps and sometimes I get really emotional for no reason I think that's a part of anxiety playing up. But we are strong <3 we go through many things and we know so much .. And we appreciate the good times!!

06-17-2013, 08:53 AM
Yep.. I did consider that my mind was playing tricks on bc I know that i don't have the safety nets of meds lol.. Smh.. I said that to my husband.. I said "yeah.. But I dunno.. Might all be in my head.." And he replied "yeah.. But it was always all in your head.. So if its affecting u like this now.. It's in your head AGAIN.." Lol.. N that's here I decided I needed to get back to meds and treatment..

Even for the last 10 years when I was on meds.. And feeling like I had a complete recovery.. I did still have some issues w anxiety.. I still worried a bit here and there.. BUT it didn't take me over and become a way of life..

If I had an obsessive tht creep in.. I was able to push it away.. And my thoughts w happily flow to what ever I was thinking.. Laundry.. Dinner.. What ever .. (Btw people take having such simple thts for granted.. I love having nothing to obsess about! Lol)

Nowadays I can't right the obsessions.. Or the anxiety that just comes blasting in mercilessly.. I too get nauseas.. Last night in fact.. I woke at 3 am.. As I do these days.. Completely overwhelmed feeling., nauseas.. Breathless.. Heart racing.. I hate it especially at night like that! Bc it's night time- it's TIME to settle down and sleep! Which is ear impossible t that point.. Grrr

Anyway. I have seen and experienced the light at the end of the tunnel!! I can't wait to see it again! Waiting as patiently as I can.. Really wht choose do I have?? Lol