View Full Version : New girl here...

06-16-2013, 07:51 PM
Hey Everyone,

I guess I joined this forum tonight because I just needed to put some thoughts down, get them out of my head. I figured I could start hand writing a diary but then I thought I'd quite like to be heard (or read in this case) by people who may understand a little bit about what I'm going through. So I'm going to share my story now. It might be a little lengthy by the time I finish so if you're not up for an essay right now, stop here, I understand.

When I was 12 years old (11 years ago now!), I got this crappy stomach bug that had me vomiting all night. Ever since then, I have been absolutely terrified of vomiting. I have developed anxiety disorder as a result of it and for the last 11 years I have spent having panic attacks and avoiding anything and everything that could possibly make me sick. This includes not drinking alcohol, avoiding fish/seafood/chicken in restaurants, carrying hand sanitizer and trying to avoid touching things like door handles, etc to avoid contamination.. the list goes on. It basically affects every aspect of my life, I don't feel I could hold down a full time job at the moment as my panic attacks make me unreliable to employers, I don't feel able to even go on holiday as I always seem to panic more when I'm away from home, it can sometimes cause arguments with my partner because I can come across as snappy even when I'm not.. once again the list goes on.

So apparently, I have emetaphobia (phobia of vomiting), I'd like to know if anyone here suffers with something similar and what steps they have taken to try to manage it.

Thank you,


shane bevan
06-16-2013, 08:37 PM
My panic attacks and anxiety is related to my health so i know some of what you are going through

06-17-2013, 05:15 AM
My panic attacks and anxiety is related to my health so i know some of what you are going through

Thank you for replying. Have you found anything that makes coping with it easier?

shane bevan
06-17-2013, 05:37 AM
Yes i thought i could deal with it on my own but after a few years decided to ask for help. Ive been taking medication for a few months and that has helped a little but my biggest help has been seeing a theropist and having someone to talk to. If you ever need someone to talk to im always willing to message

06-17-2013, 08:41 AM
Yes i thought i could deal with it on my own but after a few years decided to ask for help. Ive been taking medication for a few months and that has helped a little but my biggest help has been seeing a theropist and having someone to talk to. If you ever need someone to talk to im always willing to message

Thank you for that kind offer, might have to wait a while though as Im a brand new member and it said I can only pm staff at the moment.

06-17-2013, 09:07 AM
Yes i thought i could deal with it on my own but after a few years decided to ask for help. Ive been taking medication for a few months and that has helped a little but my biggest help has been seeing a theropist and having someone to talk to. If you ever need someone to talk to im always willing to message

Yes seeing a therapist helped me a lot too :).. It's funny bc many of the suggestions he gave me seemed obvious.. But he sent them "home" for me.. Confirmed wht I suspected.. And mostly educated me on my illness and the variety of coping techniques :)

06-17-2013, 10:07 AM
Dear lucy,
Might be therapist will work better, its that one point of breakdown u got when u vomitted, remember things r not alwats d same.. even though panic attacks r nt often but when it makes a vicious cycle of anxiety it triggers panic attack, i have genralised anxiety like i keep thinking each n every possibility, even while having my food, i am coping with it n fighting against d anxiety..
U will get most experienced people in this forum and hope it will help u..

06-17-2013, 11:24 AM

This is quite a common phobia I feel, even writing, thinking or discussing it brings on anxiety and panic doesn't it ?!
I think the thing you have yo do is say to yourself is So What? It's Ok! You're alright!
I know myself that sometimes we need to be reassured a lot and made feel like whatever happens - its ok. That's how I deal with others who get sick when we don't have much of a choice sometimes. I reassure them. That actually helps! It helps us more. That's the thing with avoidance , anticipating it constantly keeps you anxious . I know exactly how you feel - petrified.
Medication helps but personality type / predisposition is a factor.
We need to let ourselves be ok with stuff and to let go.