View Full Version : New member because of recent Anxitey Attack

06-16-2013, 10:59 AM
I hope you all are enjoying your day! I'm brand new to this forum, and I decided to join because of my recent horrifying experience that occurred the other day.
I believe I had an anxiety or panic attack.
Before I get started with what happened, I would like to tell you that I've been seeing a psychiatrist for the past 6 months for my ADHD, anxiety & depression. My doctor prescribes me 30 mg of Adderall XR and 40 mg of Celexa.
I also have been taking a break from these two substances for about a month now because I'm on break for summer and I'm just working. So I don't experience the anxiety and stress from school that I usually do.
But last week I worked from 8 am-12 pm every day (I'm an instructor at a camp). I was getting pretty pissed off at my coworkers because they weren't working hard at all, and it seemed like I was carrying most of the weight. So on Friday, I pulled my back out during the camp and I was very angry combined with a ton of pain. I had my dad take me to the hospital to get checked out and I pulled a muscle in my back and chest wall. They prescribed me 800 mg of Ibuprofen, 800 mg of a muscle relaxer called Metaxalone, and Acetaminophen and Codeine for "breakthrough pain."
It was around 6 pm when I got home and I took an Ibuprofen and an Metaxalone. Then all of a sudden, my parents and I got in a huge fight about the stupiest thing ever. My dad started screaming at me and so was my mom. My dad to me to get out of the house, so I did. This has never happened before, my parents and I get along so well all the time. So I packed some of my stuff up and left to go to my college apartment to cool off. My roommate was home and I told him I was coming, so he asked if I wanted to get something to eat and I said yes. I also didn't eat until about 11 am that day and it was approaching 7:30 pm.
So here's when this panic attack began:
So he drove to a fast food restaurant near our house and I started to feel really weird. On the car ride there, I couldn't sit still and I began to get the driest throat I ever had. I could hardly talk. I started to become really hot too, which is understandable because the windows were open and it was around 90 degrees F out. So we're waiting in line to go through the drive thru, and I really have a problem with drive thrus. There was also a ton of people there and today, I wasn't feeling the most sociable after I got in a huge fight with my parents and all the stress accumulated from work. When it was our time to order I could hardly order. All I was thinking is I need something to drink and eat and I'll be fine. This is when I started to sweat. We ordered and then we had to wait in the line to get our food and that's when I started to feel extremely sick. Like I thought I was going to die, no joke. I started sweating more than I've ever sweated in my life. I looked over at my roommate and asked him how much he was sweating and he was like not that much. I asked him to feel my arm and I was just drenched in sweat. My whole shirt was soaking. I instantly thought I was dying and I couldn't stop it. I told him "I need to go to the hospital." I felt like I couldn't breathe and I couldn't feel my legs either. My whole body started to go numb. He got our food and I still thought I was going to die. I kept telling him to take me to the ER. He kept telling me that we're going home and I was going to be fine. I told him to give me his phone and call an ambulance. He started to tell me we were going there, but I knew he wasn't serious. I told him I wasn't kidding and this wasn't a joke. He turned off the music and turned the air on full blast and closed the windows. We turned to go down our road to our place and I just remember becoming calm then and I was like "you just saved my life." We got to the house and I literally had trouble walking, but I didn't feel like I was going to die anymore. I had trouble even eating and then I passed out.
So what happened to me? Was this a panic/anxiety attack?
I felt like I had no control over the situation too, it was the most horrible experience of my life.
Thanks for your help!