View Full Version : Felt fine now on egde help!!

06-16-2013, 09:55 AM
So I have felt fine all day and now I'm in a out in a restaurant having a meal with my partner and son I feel all hot like I can't breath it's awful and I'm going to pass out why do I feel like this an show can I calm down with out anyone noticing??

06-16-2013, 10:29 AM
Well, I guess we're a little late here but yes, you can calm down. Just let your partner know what you're doing (need a short break, I'm fine, brb) and walk to the restroom, waiting room, gift shop, outside, look at a magazine, brochure,..(distract yourself now)....Then, breathe, relax, change your thoughts to calming ones, and return when you feel better..About 5 to 10 mins. No one will think ot know anything about what just happened except your partner.. Drink some ice water, tea, nothing is going to happen.

Hope that helps friend!

06-16-2013, 03:31 PM
Thank you for the reply!!

06-16-2013, 08:51 PM
I concentrate on breathing slow. Focus on my partner and what she's saying. Think positive thoughts like mmmm this is good food. This is so nice dining out today. Smile even if I don't feel like smiling. It's tough sometimes, but I say to myself "fake it til you make it."

06-16-2013, 09:26 PM
I concentrate on breathing slow. Focus on my partner and what she's saying. Think positive thoughts like mmmm this is good food. This is so nice dining out today. Smile even if I don't feel like smiling. It's tough sometimes, but I say to myself "fake it til you make it."

That's right ! Good Job !