View Full Version : More questions

06-15-2013, 05:02 PM
So for the past few days I have been extremely lightheaded and panicky and grumpy.. Pulse throbbing through my body just horrible.. Here's a list of events that has been going on :

1) I lost my apartment
2) my car blew the engine. Been in repairs for 2 weeks. Barely got a rental a few days ago.
3).we are staying with people. 2 bedroom with my family..
3) the people we stay with are a complete mess. They fight both verbal and physical. Screaming and throwing stuff
4) my kids father is at no assistance to me.
5) my nephew was shot and killed out of road rage back in December.
the reason for my post is to find out what triggered this Crap
I've been posting about lightheaded all the time.. Well surprisingly I stayed the night at my dad's Last night, woke up feeling like Crap, but I took a nap in peace, no arguing no fighting. Just cool and quiet and I feel great... I am having a hard time understanding what's going on. Is my body under that much stress that it's making me feel that way???
I've only been suffering for anxiety for a year and 5 months.. So it's kind of new... But I'm really tired of the lightheaded feeling constant. Can anxiety really make you feel like this even if ur not anxious.
Please help me answer these mind bottling questions... Thanks friends

06-15-2013, 09:24 PM
I can certainly say that anxiety can make us feel this way, even when not anxious. In fact, most of the time I feel worse when relaxing and not feeling any stress. My first panic attack came 13 months ago after a week of extreme stress..it wasn't until I let the stress go and finally relaxed that I had mild attack, and symptoms every day since.

As for what caused it, I don't think anyone here would be able to tell you, seems like a lot of stressors and they most likely all factor in. Are you seeing a doctor, or therapist?

06-15-2013, 09:35 PM
So for the past few days I have been extremely lightheaded and panicky and grumpy.. Pulse throbbing through my body just horrible.. Here's a list of events that has been going on :

1) I lost my apartment
2) my car blew the engine. Been in repairs for 2 weeks. Barely got a rental a few days ago.
3).we are staying with people. 2 bedroom with my family..
3) the people we stay with are a complete mess. They fight both verbal and physical. Screaming and throwing stuff
4) my kids father is at no assistance to me.
5) my nephew was shot and killed out of road rage back in December.
the reason for my post is to find out what triggered this Crap
I've been posting about lightheaded all the time.. Well surprisingly I stayed the night at my dad's Last night, woke up feeling like Crap, but I took a nap in peace, no arguing no fighting. Just cool and quiet and I feel great... I am having a hard time understanding what's going on. Is my body under that much stress that it's making me feel that way???
I've only been suffering for anxiety for a year and 5 months.. So it's kind of new... But I'm really tired of the lightheaded feeling constant. Can anxiety really make you feel like this even if ur not anxious.
Please help me answer these mind bottling questions... Thanks friends

.. Well it has been explained to me that most of us who are anxious, are biologically predisposed to being so. If you look back in your family you may find a few diagnosed family members who are in treatment, or that "interesting" family member who was always different.. And perhaps never sought treatment.. It realized they had a treatable condition.

So, bc people like us are prone to anxiety disorders.. Stressors generally bring it all to the surface. My dr tells me tht for me it wd have come out one day or another.. I basically remember having first symptoms of anxiety when I was 14 (I am now 35).. But he says even if it was later In life- like 50... It still wd have reared its ugly head..

So! Now I try and treat.. Cope.. And accept and move past it all as I can :-)

06-15-2013, 10:03 PM
My mom, and both uncles have had issues.. My uncle was in a mental hospital when younger, so was my other uncle. And it passed with my mom. She gets depressed sometimes. But my uncles just came out of it. Didn't bother them anymore

06-16-2013, 07:41 AM
Definately agree that external environmental stressors can cause and feed these disorders. I had a day like that yesterday..an opportunity for me to vent!! YES!!

We visited my Mother. She's 30 miles away. I drove. My Daughter also drove her own car to be able to leave when she wanted and not wait on me. Fair enough. She was ready to leave and asked my Mother to help her with gas money because it cost around $10? You've wouldv'e thought she just asked my Mother for $10,000.00! My Mother became instantly agitated, upset, irate, irrational, and began saying stupid shit out loud in front of me, my Daughter, my Son, my Sister, and my Daughters bf..I snapped. SHUT THE **** UP! Holy shit it's only $10 ******* dollars! ...She's a Millionaire. We won't be going back there again.

Then today. I was still upset from yesterday and when the female friend that visits here sometimes woke up, I asked her to leave and give me some alone quiet peaceful tranquil time to myself on this Fathers Day. I don't want to talk, discuss, hear you speak, and I will walk you to your car. Please, thank you..but NOOOOO!!! What do I hear? This isn't my fault! I'm not to blame! So why are you mad at me? Um, I'm not. I never said you were to blame. I never said anything was your fault. All I said was what I WANT AND AM ASKING YOU TO DO! She followed me around this house and I had to REPEAT MYSELF 12 ******* TIMES!! 12!!!

Obviously, I then became p***ed off AT HER!! (This part is funny) I grabbed a plastic mixing spoon and ran it back and forth on the back of a bar stool with bars on it and said "Let's pretend yer at the ******* zoo and there's a GIANT SIGN over the Lions cage that says DONT DRAG THIS ******* SPOON ACROSS THESE BARS OF THIS GIANT LIONS CAGE OR ELSE HE WILL BECOME AGITATED AND WISH TO EAT YOU WITHOUT A TOOTHPICK OR A NAPKIN!!" and then you DO IT ANYWAY 12 ******* TIMES AND SAY "BUT IT ISN'T MY FAULT THAT HE'S GETTING SO INFURIATED UPSET ANGRY AND WISHES TO EAT ME!!"...

So then, who's fault is it??? Gods? OMG!!!!

She then left..."I may never come back!"... OK!!! Thank you!!! BYE!! Happy Fathers Day!!

Yes, I HAVE ANXIETY TOO!! Partly because I am surrounded by idiots! (just like your first posts states)..

Sorry if I messed up this post but I had to get that off my mind, what a perfect place for that.

Have a great day! grrrrr

06-16-2013, 08:31 AM
Yeah.. Sometimes I wonder if I just take life and the "little things" too seriously.. I tend to internalize all of my frustrations tho.. Not many people on the "outside" wd imagine I am an anxious type of person.. But in my head I am always analyzing.. Over analyzing.. And I am hyper critical..
And if one has some grrrrr w family it is aggravating.. And I am aggravated when family dynamics change- which for me they have..

Perhaps I should just chill more.. Hmmm..

06-16-2013, 10:32 AM
Oh Kellie, that is so me too lol...... Been like that all my life - so annoying and yeah it makes everything worse because we're suuuuper critical of everything including ourselves .i don't think we'll ever get over that unfortunately . We are who we are ... We can try and kid ourselves :-/
I can't wait for the day were I couldn't care less?!
.... And that'll be when Hell freezes over probably . Crap.

06-16-2013, 10:44 AM
Oh Kellie, that is so me too lol...... Been like that all my life - so annoying and yeah it makes everything worse because we're suuuuper critical of everything including ourselves .i don't think we'll ever get over that unfortunately . We are who we are ... We can try and kid ourselves :-/
I can't wait for the day were I couldn't care less?!
.... And that'll be when Hell freezes over probably . Crap.

Lol!!!! Yes! Hahaha hell freezing over will be the day I can get past that too I'm sure!! Lol smh.

And ignorance is bliss!!!! I wish I didn't over think things so much.. I feel like I'm in the movie Matrix! Lmao... And tht I know the miserable "truth" smh..

I guess it's linked to depression .. N I can't say that I am always sooooooo that way.. But def when I am in a "bad place"/episode ..

Be better to believe in magic more often ;)..

06-16-2013, 10:44 AM
But again- people don't know that I am so feeling these ways.. Why spread the "joy" right? Lol

06-16-2013, 11:14 AM
Like they said those external worries cause internal disfunction.

Enduronman i always love reading your posts, very inspiring or Funny haha thanks for making me laugh!