View Full Version : Feeling breathless..

06-14-2013, 12:21 PM
Hey everyone. Well, ive been having a shortness of breath issue for the past few days. I got good test results on Tuesday, but now im on to other symptoms it seems. I started also feeling this bloated type feeling in my stomach. Are these two things connected maybe. Its really starting to bother me. Ive been researching (bad idea I know). Everything seems to point to pulmonary embolism, heart issues etc. I went to the ER two months ago and heart was fine..

06-14-2013, 02:09 PM
NO!! Stop searching!! Shortness of breathe can be caused by many different things. Smoking, smoke in the same home, around smokers, around factorys, heat, weight, BP, asthma, lung infection, lung inflammation, etc. It isn't a pulmonary embolism!!


06-14-2013, 06:08 PM
Didn't you miss out on tension and anxiety Enduronman? =p

06-14-2013, 11:30 PM
This is one of my most persistent symptoms along with lightheadedness/dizziness and unsteadiness. Feels like air hunger which makes us breath deeper, which causes us to swallow air, which then stretches the diaphragm.. causing the bloated feeling. I'll feel this for days before I finally stop obsessing over my breathing and let it become an unconscious effort again.

06-15-2013, 10:28 AM
That makes a lot of sense Shepard, thanks for that. I am burping a lot. My back and neck muscles are also tight and sore. There is something called hyperventilation syndrome.