View Full Version : Hello :)

06-13-2013, 06:05 PM
Hi, I'm a newbie - recommended this forum by another user. I'm trying to learn how to manage my anxiety without betablockers at the moment. It's tough. Apparently you're a great group of people who are very supportive - I'm looking forward to finding this out for myself too. I was hoping to use Tapatalk on my phone to connect to the forum but it can't find you. If anyone knows how to do that I'd be grateful if they'd let me know. Thanks, Philo.

06-13-2013, 06:27 PM
Welcome Philo!

My phone is a pc o yup so I'm sorry I don't know much about that friend.

06-13-2013, 07:37 PM
Hi, I'm a newbie - recommended this forum by another user. I'm trying to learn how to manage my anxiety without betablockers at the moment. It's tough. Apparently you're a great group of people who are very supportive - I'm looking forward to finding this out for myself too. I was hoping to use Tapatalk on my phone to connect to the forum but it can't find you. If anyone knows how to do that I'd be grateful if they'd let me know. Thanks, Philo.

Sorry can't help you about phone, but welcome to the forum and hope that you enjoy getting help and support from the very helpful people on here.