View Full Version : How to explain to my mom that I am really anxious all the time?

06-12-2013, 08:41 AM
I'm 14 and I'm always worried and anxious about certain things, the future, and most things. Right now there's something particular I can't get off my mind and I know I'm probably over reacting and over thinking it yet I can't accept it and keep thinking of negative things. I also get worried about little things an it makes me really depressed. I've tried everything meditation, changing my mentality, exercising but my mind still ponders on it. I can't even study properly and I have exams right now.
The thing is my mum I think she knows that something's up with me but she keeps saying that it's normal for a teenager. Every time.Even when I'm at the lowest point of anxiety which often leads to depression And it makes me so angry. Maybe it's true that nothing's wrong with me but I just want to go to a doctor to make sure. Cause if this is normal life really isn't worth living. How can I talk to my mother properly to let her know how I feel? I hate expressing my feelings with her I just always feel embarrassed. Please help. Thanks in advance.

06-12-2013, 08:48 AM
Hello as a mother my advice to you would be sit your mum down and tell her what's going on,she's your mum and she will help you through this,you don't have to sit there and worry yourself more,there's so much help you can get and I'm sure your mum would hate it that you hide anything away from her,myself as a mother will do anything I can to protect my children and no matter what I want to know if there unhappy in anyway,:)