View Full Version : Totally Lost, Hopeless.

Anxious Abi
06-11-2013, 12:39 PM
Received a letter today, it's completely thrown me into disarray.
It say's that I have now been discharged back to my GP? I've been waiting for an appointment for some CBT for over sixteen months now, and suddenly i'm not getting that? I don't understand, I am completely confused.
I need help, I don't get why they don't understand that, I need my medication changing, I need support. I feel like i'm never going to get anywhere.
I feel completely alone, just want to curl up in bed and sleep through my life.

06-11-2013, 01:13 PM
Received a letter today, it's completely thrown me into disarray.
It say's that I have now been discharged back to my GP? I've been waiting for an appointment for some CBT for over sixteen months now, and suddenly i'm not getting that? I don't understand, I am completely confused.
I need help, I don't get why they don't understand that, I need my medication changing, I need support. I feel like i'm never going to get anywhere.
I feel completely alone, just want to curl up in bed and sleep through my life.

You need to go back to your GP ASAP and ask why they have done that,I'm sure it will
Get sorted,I can understand why your so upset,if you can't get out of the house then get a phone Appointment instead x

Anxious Abi
06-11-2013, 01:30 PM
Thanks em1.
I called them earlier to ask what was going on, they didn't seem to know why I have been referred back to the GP, but said if I still wanted to do the CBT I would have to get referred again, so another god knows how long waiting? Apparently I have to see a Psychiatrist to have my medication changed, which I don't understand, because it was the GP who put me on them? Why can't they take me off them, it doesn't make sense. I asked how long that would take to see the Psychiatrist, and that could take up to twelve months?
I don't understand why it seems to be so hard to get a little help.
I haven't seriously harmed myself for a while, and I have no plans to end my life, so maybe it's not serious enough to go to the hospital or call the crisis team, but I still need help, I feel like i'm banging my head against a brick wall.

06-11-2013, 01:45 PM
Maybe you could say since it was them who messed up then you should not wait so long for your appointment,yes I don't know why they can't change your Meds,what are you on? How long you been on it?

Anxious Abi
06-11-2013, 01:47 PM
Risperidone 1.5mg been on it for around sixteen months, got so many side affects with it, and doesn't seem to improve my condition much at all.

06-11-2013, 02:01 PM
Risperidone 1.5mg been on it for around sixteen months, got so many side affects with it, and doesn't seem to improve my condition much at all.

Oh I've not heard of that,do you know what one you want to try?

Anxious Abi
06-11-2013, 02:13 PM
I have no idea what to try, I take Venlalic XL 150mg as well, been taking them for a while longer, they help a little with my physical anxiety symptoms.

06-11-2013, 02:37 PM
I tried Risperidone once..and that was it. It kinda sounds like something to do with insurance. Im having an issue with mine as well.

Anxious Abi
06-11-2013, 03:19 PM
Hey Bam77.
I'm in the UK, so instead of insurance I tend to rely on the National Health Service, have been so frustrated lately I have been thinking about going private, but think the costs would probably be way more than I could ever afford.

What was your experience of Risperidone? Did it help at all?

06-11-2013, 09:19 PM
I m from the uk too

And if I were you the first thing I ll do this morning is take health private insurance
You know that the NHs is going down you must have heard about those patients who died because of negligence etc
And it s more likely to get worse
I personally think that very soon we won't have the NHs any more
You should shop around you can find a gud package for a descent price
I ve got one for 40£ a month and it covers me for everything apart from dentist and giving birth
I m happy with it and glad I took it
There s no wait with it and you re assured to see the wright person straight away

Anxious Abi
06-12-2013, 03:50 AM
M.C do you mind me asking what provider you are with? I have been worried that it will cost a lot because I have an existing and on going condition, does stuff like that matter? Really appreciate the advice.

06-12-2013, 04:42 AM
Who exactly discharged you back to your gp? If you've been waiting for months to get that appointment, and they are now telling you you'll have to wait even longer, I would call them up and rip them a new one!! You need to call back angry, and say listen I've been waiting too long for this and now you're telling me I have to be referred again and wait even longer!?? Someone messed up and it needs to be fixed! I need help and need to be seen immediately because this is interfering with my daily life and I cannot function/cope any longer! That's what i would say!

It's unbelievable how some doctors don't take people with anxiety disorders seriously. Sometimes I don't think they understand just how crippling it can be.

Anxious Abi
06-12-2013, 05:07 AM
It is the Cognitive Behavioral Therapist that has referred me back, and you're completely right missmello I should get angrier with them, let them know how it's affecting me. It might only be a five minute or an hour appointment to them, but it's adding up to years of my life just waiting.

06-12-2013, 03:11 PM
Hi there

Sorry didn't get time to check my emails
I m with emr
I don't think there s a company that will insure you for any condition you already have but they will certainly insure you for anything else
I have also a policy taken for my 2 little ones with axa for 23£ a month and it covers mostly everything
I think the best you could do is taking health insurance because you never know what s going to happen
At least if you go privately you get seen quickly by a specialist if you need any tests or scans done there is no waiting list and the staff members are so sweet and helpful unlike the NHs people
Make sure you shop around
Best of luck

06-12-2013, 03:18 PM
Don't know what went wrong with your CBT

When I had my assessment done i was told there was a 6 weeks waiting list but 2 weeks later I received a call From a therapist who took me in straight way
She s a wonderful person and we have more of a friendship relation than a patient/ therapist relationship
I didn't go through my GP for the CBT
I actually called myself talking therapies and arranged everything with them
Try to do that you might be seen early

06-12-2013, 03:41 PM
Hey Bam77.
I'm in the UK, so instead of insurance I tend to rely on the National Health Service, have been so frustrated lately I have been thinking about going private, but think the costs would probably be way more than I could ever afford.

What was your experience of Risperidone? Did it help at all?

I spaced out really bad on it. I took it and 3 hours later my mom asked how I was doing. I said "mom its only been 20 minutes"..she said "no son, its been 3 hours". So never again lol. That was just my experience with it

Anxious Abi
06-12-2013, 04:55 PM
Don't know what went wrong with your CBT

When I had my assessment done i was told there was a 6 weeks waiting list but 2 weeks later I received a call From a therapist who took me in straight way
She s a wonderful person and we have more of a friendship relation than a patient/ therapist relationship
I didn't go through my GP for the CBT
I actually called myself talking therapies and arranged everything with them
Try to do that you might be seen early

I am completely baffled, I don't understand how it can be so straight forward for one person, and yet I have spent the better part of two years banging my head against a brick wall, near enough begging for help. It just makes me want to cry.
Thank you for your advice.