View Full Version : Hi, im new here and need some advice/help

06-11-2013, 11:55 AM
I have been dealing with anxiety for the past i would say 8 years. I have been able to deal with it and have attacks once in a blue moon. Im on prozac and rarely I need to take a Xanax (but I always keep some on hand just in case) but recently I have had a few issues that caused me to have more panic attacks and anxiety but I feel it's come back stronger! I feel like im going to die or have a heart attack and my chest feels heavy my left arm gets tingles or gets weak and sometimes I just can't sleep! But I have noticed now im having heart palpitations and I went to the hospital and they did bloodwork and EKG and everything is normal! Is anyone else having similar issues? What can I do?

06-11-2013, 11:10 PM
I have been dealing with anxiety for the past i would say 8 years. I have been able to deal with it and have attacks once in a blue moon. Im on prozac and rarely I need to take a Xanax (but I always keep some on hand just in case) but recently I have had a few issues that caused me to have more panic attacks and anxiety but I feel it's come back stronger! I feel like im going to die or have a heart attack and my chest feels heavy my left arm gets tingles or gets weak and sometimes I just can't sleep! But I have noticed now im having heart palpitations and I went to the hospital and they did bloodwork and EKG and everything is normal! Is anyone else having similar issues? What can I do?

You will find so many posts on this forum which say exactly the same things as you are saying. Once the doctors have ruled out anything physically wrong with you, which they have, you need to accept that it is anxiety and panic causing all the symptoms you are showing. The heart palpatations or banging or fluttering are horrible and scary but are a sign of anxiety and panic. Not sleeping is definitely another sign and one of the most common ones.
Once you accept that it is all anxiety and panic you need to start working on ways to help you get through it. Meds like prozac are really good and if they work for you stick with them and give them time to make you better again, they will give you the lift to help you back out of this. Anxiety can be a side effect of some anti depressants and this time the prozac might be making you anxious. I used to be able to take prozac but this time the side effects were too bad to be able to take it. If you find that the anxiety is really bad it might be worth discussing with your doctor trying another anti depressant which might not make you anxious as well.

Apart from meds there are other things you can do like meditation. I have taken up buddha meditation and christian meditation - both very different - one a guided meditation and one a silent meditation. Both give me head space and the teachings, although very different often really help me, and even when I am really unwell I try to do five minutes every day on my own at home just concentrating on my breathing and letting any other thoughts pass by. Just five minutes a day calms you down and helps you get through the day.

Another alternative is essential oils - burning them to smell nice or massaging with them. There are lots of ways of using these oils and they can really help. Lavender is really good for calming but if you go online and look them up you can find lots of calming oils and they can help to break the spiral of anxiety.

Another way is to have something you can really concentrate on like a jigsaw puzzle or crossword - even if your concentration is for a few minutes it will be enough to give you a small bit of head space from the anxiety.

Once you can get a few minutes break from the worry, you can start to build on making the time longer and gradually you will be able to control the anxiety and panic.

I hope this helps give you some ideas. Lots of others on the forum will be able to give you lots of other ideas too which may work better for you. But remember you are an individual and what works for some people might not for you and you need to find what works for you and give it a really good try before giving in to the anxiety.


06-13-2013, 01:22 PM
hi the symptoms are normal just remember that when u last got a panic attack it did not hurt u and it wont ok?x

shane bevan
06-13-2013, 05:28 PM
You are not alone i have and am.in the same situation that you are in.

06-14-2013, 01:01 PM
Thank you for your responses!! Well I was doing ok with the attacks until today I was at work and just felt this tingle go down my left arm and in my face and I got really dizzy and thought i was going to faint...so im in the hospital as of now and of course my EKG was normal...I just want to be NORMAL!!!!

06-14-2013, 01:03 PM
oh no..and welcome Nikki. Sorry about such an ordeal and experience. I'm going back up to the top now to see what the heck is going on!


06-14-2013, 01:17 PM
I seriously feel like Checking myself into a mental hospital sometimes!!! I wish anxiety didnt exist

06-14-2013, 01:22 PM
You're not anywhere near that point friend! I can tell from here..What exactly were the "new issues that caused my anxiety to increase"??? If I can ask that..

Prozac and xanax=AWESOME!!

06-14-2013, 01:32 PM
Well I have been under alot of stress lately and I went through a really bad issue a a couple months back that has really affected me. But not my anxiety has worsen and I feel like its back with a vengeance and it really sucks!! I have been in the hospital a few times for panic attacks but I feel like they look in the computer and see I have anxiety and just chalk it up to that!!

06-14-2013, 01:35 PM
But a couple months ago I got out of a really bad relationship. He abused me mentally, emotionally, physically. He was just controlling but now I just feel like a total idiot and how could I let him do this to me?!

06-14-2013, 01:38 PM
If you can't discuss the issue here then you've gotta get in to see a therpist ASAP because yes, they will process you, label you as a hypochondriac, and toss you back out the door. They have too because of other valid, real cases of ill health and medical needs. They won't have much tolerance for you now considering they find 0 wrong...Do you blame them??

You gotta let go of whatever the hell happened as quickly as possible Nikki!

06-14-2013, 02:12 PM
No I don't blame them for doing what they need to do and yes I need to see a therapist but trying to find one that doesn't cost an arm and leg is difficult! Im just scared about something happening to me!

06-14-2013, 02:16 PM
Nothing is going to happen to you! Call your nearest Mental Health Clinic and see what they have open immediately. They work on a sliding scale so if you don't have any money, they don't care. If you tell them that you go to the hospital once a week because you think yer gonna die, then they'll get you in fast!

Stop freakin out Nikki! Nothing is going to explode...

06-14-2013, 02:29 PM
I keep telling myself nothing is going to happen to me but sometimes when you in the middle of an attack it doesn't work and your mind just goes to the dark place. And the thing that kills me the most is the fact that I am an all around happy go lucky person then after the relationship I had and the stress I just kinda went downhill :/ by the way do I know you?? I feel like I know you?!

06-14-2013, 03:48 PM
Holy s**t!! Is that you??? OMG!!! Just messin with ya Nikki.. I honestly don't know if you do unless you're in Indiana, then just maybe!! Cheer up!! :)

06-14-2013, 04:02 PM
Holy s**t!! Is that you??? OMG!!! Just messin with ya Nikki.. I honestly don't know if you do unless you're in Indiana, then just maybe!! Cheer up!! :)

Well I can't do a personal message because it says something about needing to do 10+ pm I don't know what that means

06-14-2013, 04:04 PM
I sent you one..Did you get that or does it limit those too? Hmm...I'll try again friend.. :)

06-14-2013, 04:06 PM
I sent you one..Did you get that or does it limit those too? Hmm...I'll try again friend.. :)

Im able to receive it but can't reply :/ it makes no sense to me

06-14-2013, 04:07 PM
Well then, if it says 10 posts, then post one more reply and you're in the system!! YAY!!

06-14-2013, 04:08 PM
Well then, if it says 10 posts, then post one more reply and you're in the system!! YAY!!

Lol not yet send another

06-14-2013, 04:11 PM
Hilarious!! Its better to laugh then where you were!! Smile!