View Full Version : Anxiety making me physically ill

06-09-2013, 01:09 PM
Hi there, and thanks for reading! First off I'd like to start by saying I have had generalized anxiety disorder since I was 10 years old. I am now 21. I have been on fluoxitene (generic for prozac) for 10 years, and it has worked wonders (for the most part). I have had my ups and downs, and tried getting off it a few times, and I just couldnt cope without it. I am NOT on it for depression (although it is listed as a antidepressant, I was put on it for anxiety). I've been doing great, i even went back to work about 6 months ago. I have been in complete control of my life, and felt great. Until a week ago. A week ago today, i traveled to visit my family (it was a 1200 mile, 18 hour car ride). I started getting "sick feeling" about 4 hours into the trip. I went to a hotel that night, got up the next day, and felt miserable. I started dry heaving, and felt like I could throw up any minute. I managed to make it here, and I thought it'd get better when I arrived, but its only getting worse. The thing is, I have not seen my family in 2 years, and i have looked forward to this moment for a very long time. I am here for one month (and im currently a week into it), and all ive done is stayed at home because i am MISERABLE. I do understand that traveling causes anxiety, and therefore that probably jump-started my "health anxiety", but I still cant help but to think I am catching a stomach virus. I have emetophobia (fear of vomiting), and whenenever I slightly feel off or a tad sick, my anxiety jumps in, i obsess over it, and i end up making myself gag. I have tried everything under the sun to stop this. If any of you have experienced this, then you know that it is one of the WORST feelings in this world. And for everyone that has told me to just "relax" or "calm down and control your breathing", they obviously have never experienced it. I havent had a meal in a week because I just cannot force anything down. I was able to get down a cracker today, and even then, i was gagging. I am doing my best to stay hydrated to avoid having to be admitted in the hospital, but Im afraid Im headed down that road anyway. I spoke with my husband today, who is getting ready to leave for 2 weeks on business, and he advised me to go to the hopsital because I am so miserable. And i actually considered it. But my question is, what would they do for me? or what CAN they do? Like I said, ive tried everything, and I feel so alone, and so lost. i am not a suicidal person whatsoever, but these last few days I have realized that is the only escape. I cant even sleep to escape this. I have tried to eat, and nothing. The nausea is worse in the morning, and usually subsides after about 2pm, but today it has been all day and i feel like I have the stomach flu, and could throw up any minute. Im also light headed, and weak. I have been on this forum in the past, but could not get in with my old login, so created a new one. I know the people on here helped me A LOT and you all are so friendly, and so helpful. So if you have any advice, or reassurance, or maybe a testimonial, I would appreciate it more than you know. I am at my wits end and I am suffering and i really cant do it much longer!

06-09-2013, 01:19 PM
Hi there, and thanks for reading! First off I'd like to start by saying I have had generalized anxiety disorder since I was 10 years old. I am now 21. I have been on fluoxitene (generic for prozac) for 10 years, and it has worked wonders (for the most part). I have had my ups and downs, and tried getting off it a few times, and I just couldnt cope without it. I am NOT on it for depression (although it is listed as a antidepressant, I was put on it for anxiety). I've been doing great, i even went back to work about 6 months ago. I have been in complete control of my life, and felt great. Until a week ago. A week ago today, i traveled to visit my family (it was a 1200 mile, 18 hour car ride). I started getting "sick feeling" about 4 hours into the trip. I went to a hotel that night, got up the next day, and felt miserable. I started dry heaving, and felt like I could throw up any minute. I managed to make it here, and I thought it'd get better when I arrived, but its only getting worse. The thing is, I have not seen my family in 2 years, and i have looked forward to this moment for a very long time. I am here for one month (and im currently a week into it), and all ive done is stayed at home because i am MISERABLE. I do understand that traveling causes anxiety, and therefore that probably jump-started my "health anxiety", but I still cant help but to think I am catching a stomach virus. I have emetophobia (fear of vomiting), and whenenever I slightly feel off or a tad sick, my anxiety jumps in, i obsess over it, and i end up making myself gag. I have tried everything under the sun to stop this. If any of you have experienced this, then you know that it is one of the WORST feelings in this world. And for everyone that has told me to just "relax" or "calm down and control your breathing", they obviously have never experienced it. I havent had a meal in a week because I just cannot force anything down. I was able to get down a cracker today, and even then, i was gagging. I am doing my best to stay hydrated to avoid having to be admitted in the hospital, but Im afraid Im headed down that road anyway. I spoke with my husband today, who is getting ready to leave for 2 weeks on business, and he advised me to go to the hopsital because I am so miserable. And i actually considered it. But my question is, what would they do for me? or what CAN they do? Like I said, ive tried everything, and I feel so alone, and so lost. i am not a suicidal person whatsoever, but these last few days I have realized that is the only escape. I cant even sleep to escape this. I have tried to eat, and nothing. The nausea is worse in the morning, and usually subsides after about 2pm, but today it has been all day and i feel like I have the stomach flu, and could throw up any minute. Im also light headed, and weak. I have been on this forum in the past, but could not get in with my old login, so created a new one. I know the people on here helped me A LOT and you all are so friendly, and so helpful. So if you have any advice, or reassurance, or maybe a testimonial, I would appreciate it more than you know. I am at my wits end and I am suffering and i really cant do it much longer!

Hello Amanda oh your week sounds just like mine so I can relate to how your feeling and how tired you are,it's very hard to sleep or even think about eating when you feel this way,there is allways other pills etc you can get to keep you more carm,I take a beta blocker three times a day 30g but they go much higher in grams the more you need them,I do get bad Palpitations in the mornings but when I take one of those it helps me loads,I hate to take tablets but if it helps them I think you need to,please feel free to messages anytime you feel you need to talk :) there is allways hope in other things to help you x

06-09-2013, 01:35 PM
Hello Amanda oh your week sounds just like mine so I can relate to how your feeling and how tired you are,it's very hard to sleep or even think about eating when you feel this way,there is allways other pills etc you can get to keep you more carm,I take a beta blocker three times a day 30g but they go much higher in grams the more you need them,I do get bad Palpitations in the mornings but when I take one of those it helps me loads,I hate to take tablets but if it helps them I think you need to,please feel free to messages anytime you feel you need to talk :) there is allways hope in other things to help you x

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE REPLY! I tried messaging you with a question, but it won't let me until I post 10 or more posts in the forum. My question is, what exactly is a beta blocker? And how does it help you?

06-09-2013, 01:40 PM
I am from the uk and the beta blocker that I'm on is called propranolol they prevent fast heart beats and calm people who are anxious and worried,I've been on them on and off for years,they don't give me any side Effects at all

06-09-2013, 02:27 PM
Hi. when my anxiety is bad it makes me feel like i have flu. i really feel so weak, like about to drop down. i never have so i get on with things when i feel like this. i have health fears, so i think that makes it worse. i always wonder if something bad is happening to me. not like getting a heart attack anymore, but i wonder if im getting flu, or a stomach bug, or if i am anaemic or something. i had a vitamin shortage once, and it made me super ill, and i always get a little worried its happening again. fears can definitely make this physically ill feeling worse.

My story is slightly different to yours amanda, but i wanted to comment because my younger brother had your problem. it almost ruined 3 years of his life. he didnt really find any 'cure', he was lucky to find a combination of drugs that really worked for him, and made his anxiety vanish (lucky him). Perhaps the same will happen to you. i hope it will. i hope you can experiment and find something. sorry i cant offer any bigger advice

nic x

06-09-2013, 02:34 PM
You could also have a blood test and see if your low in Vitamin D and to Check your Thyroid,my vitamin D is low so it prob making me worse so I'm going to get another test done this week x

06-09-2013, 04:11 PM
Perhaps you can get a prescription for a mild tranquilizer while you're there - that way if it helps you'll know you don't have a stomach bug, and if it doesn't help, you'll know you truly are physically ill. I, too, always feel physically sick when I'm anxious and when I'm not anxious I worry about getting ill and anxious so it's a vicious cycle - I'm sure you know the drill. Every time I've been really ill I take a tranquilizer and it always "cures" my illness. (shrug)

Good luck. I am impressed that you were able to drive that far alone..... I could have never even done that so be proud of yourself!

11-12-2013, 10:26 PM
Wow, you are a trooper!!! Stronger than myself that's for sure!!

I had my first panic attack while driving alone on a major highway, had to get picked up 30 km from my destination and have my car towed back home. 100% paralyzed on the side of the road. I should mention my attack symptoms are I get queasy, cold sweats, light headed, mostly just feel stomach sick. One week later I had to drive 2500km alone to my new home (I was 22 at the time), leaving my family and boyfriend behind 4 provinces away :( very rough 6 months or so, dropped roughly 40 lbs, to a sickly 110 (I'm tall). 3 years later I still fight with it, there are good days and bad but get lots of electrolytes in you. Best thing you can do for yourself!

11-13-2013, 12:49 AM
I would say try eating soup and dunk Gatorade that will help you not feel so weak and build your energy back up. Take it slow. But you can't go on with not eating it's not healthy sweetheart, don't let this anxiety control your eating. I've Been there before . Don't let it control you. Remember this is your life!
Push your self. Hope you take this advice . Stay strong and believe. :)

11-13-2013, 04:36 AM
Hey, I feel for you. I get the nausea too, I've had it really bad for 9 days now so yesterday the doc have me pills for it and it had eased - making it easier to eat. It's horrible I know. The doc advised me to eat 5 small meals if struggling as lack of eating actually makes it worse as it affects sugar levels and makes you feel even more sick. Try and eat something (slowly).

11-13-2013, 08:37 AM
I have been like this for the past few weeks....having a lot of trouble eating, dropping weight...increased anxiety. I get the same thing, where I gag when trying to eat even simple things like crackers. I just keep forcing myself to eat because not eating only makes me feel worse.
For instance, this morning, i could only stomach some dry cherrios and orange juice.

11-12-2014, 12:04 PM
i'm so sorry about this . sounds awful. have felt the same way