View Full Version : No "medical reason" for dizziness

06-07-2013, 11:43 AM
Hey all, Im new here. My name is Troy and Im 36. I started having panic attacks at 16. I was on and off meds throughout my teen years. In my early 20's things took a bad turn. I started having problems driving to work..i would just turn around and go home. Then I couldn't leave the house. I was diagnosed with panic disorder with agoraphobia and ptsd. I didn't like meds...I got tired of feeling like a lab rat. I turned to alcohol. I drank for 15 years every night. I still had daily attacks, but at night while drinking I was "ok". Then about two months ago I started getting dizzy spells. I was also extremely anxious. I ended up in the ER. My bp had soared to 200/105, was having chest pains, very dizzy. They ran every test on me. The D-dimer came back with a positive. They couldn't find a clot though (thank god). My heart was fine, electrolytes were good, sugars were good. This all surprised me to be honest. When I left I was still anxious but my bp had dropped to 148/69. The only thing they found was fatty liver. He was confident that if I quit drinking my liver would repair within a year. He also said that there was "no medical reason" for my dizziness". That was it..I stopped drinking. Im 50 days sober. I still get bouts of dizziness, Not a fall down dizziness just a woah type of feeling. Its the worst symptom I have, beacause it flares up my anxiety. Ive also had this fullness in my left ear for a loooong time. Could it be my ear? eyes maybe? I do wear glasses. It just seems like subtle movements throw me off. Which then starts a nasty cycle. For instance, my front porch moves easily. When I stand on it it moves and then BAM..im dizzy. Then while "researching"..more like obsessing. I read that circulation can cause this which freaked me out. Im trying to stay off meds. I was prescribed Xanax, klonopin and celexa. I have yet to take the celexa. I don't wanna take Xanax or klonopins. Im a recovering alcoholic and I know they hit the same part of the brain that the alcohol did. Does anyone have any advice? Thank you and sorry for the wall of text.


06-07-2013, 04:51 PM
Yes, ear infection, ear inflammation, or something as simple as a clogged up ear can do this. Have someone look into your ear with a light or visit the Dr's office and have him take a look with his otiscope (I think) or just get some Debrox and clean it out and bypass all that other stuff. I know when a Dr was trying to dig into my ear last month I thought she was literally poking on my brain. I instead chose the Debrox method. Way less painful.

What is you new beverage of choice and I hope you say that you drink plenty of water here??

Best wishes.

06-07-2013, 05:11 PM
Basically the same here. Ear feels clogged and has for years. I sleep on a couch with a mattress and its pretty springy, the slightest movements make it bouncy and makes me feel a little sea sick like. I turn my head or look and get the whoa feeling too. I have a habit of trying to clear my ear with moving my jaw funny. Dr couldn't see anything wrong with it. It may be further in than he can see.

06-07-2013, 05:21 PM
My new beverage of choice is definately water. I do drink a lot of it, with an occasional pop. I didn't realize that I needed as much as I did. I went to the dr's office the day after the er. He didn't see anything. I went ahead and made an ENT appointment and an eye appointment. I'll definatley try the Debrox, thanks.

06-07-2013, 05:22 PM
Oh, my ENT appointment is the 11th. I'll post what if anything they find.

06-07-2013, 09:15 PM
I'm currently suffering from the off- balance / lightheaded feeling, I've been feeling like this for the past month. Although my anxiety levels are very low, I just can't seem to shake those symptom's . I visited my dr. He advised me I was fine. Not convinced I made a appointment with an e.n.t. Thinking I might have a inner ear infection , e.n.t. Told me nothing wrong there either. Now I'm debating on getting a MRI or not. I think it's all part of anxiety messing with our brain. I've got a couple of weeks to decide on the MRI .wish you luck!

06-07-2013, 11:25 PM
Anxiety can cause off balance(like on a boat) sensation. Inner ear issues can also cause the same thing. You should take your Celexa.

06-08-2013, 12:18 AM
I know I need to, im just scared.

06-08-2013, 06:33 AM
I went through the same thing. I was referred to an ent and another inner ear specialist. They started out with checking my ears.....one had impacted wax way down in the canal, they used a mini scoop to remove it. Then they had me do a hearing test and tilt table test. Both came back fine, with just a slight deficit in one ear, but not enough to cause dizziness. The ent actually suggested that it was all due to anxiety and not inner ear related. I went to another specialist, did a ton of tests, and they found nothing. After getting my anxiety under control, the dizzy spells went away.

06-08-2013, 09:39 PM
I'm currently suffering from the off- balance / lightheaded feeling, I've been feeling like this for the past month. Although my anxiety levels are very low, I just can't seem to shake those symptom's . I visited my dr. He advised me I was fine. Not convinced I made a appointment with an e.n.t. Thinking I might have a inner ear infection , e.n.t. Told me nothing wrong there either. Now I'm debating on getting a MRI or not. I think it's all part of anxiety messing with our brain. I've got a couple of weeks to decide on the MRI .wish you luck!

I've felt like this for 13 months now, lol. It sucks but it's typical anxiety BS.

06-08-2013, 10:25 PM
Yeah it does. Mine is everyday. Last night was pretty bad. It hit and then the anxiety hit. I slept all of 4 hours because I was worried.

06-08-2013, 11:08 PM
Same for me, all day every day, and worse at night.

06-08-2013, 11:15 PM
Ive kinda noticed that as well. Feels like im on a boat at times.

06-08-2013, 11:54 PM
I've been up and around all day today, been lifting heavy aquariums and putting up metal shelving to hold them(I keep dart frogs and other reptiles and amphibians), In and out of the house all day. But as soon as I sit or lay down to relax, the symptoms hit me. I feel my legs go weak, I begin to feel uneasy and then the lightheadedness comes along with foggy vision and feeling like I'll faint at any moment. It's so crazy..you'd think we would realize that we usually feel fine when doing something physical(in my case anyway, I have health anxiety about my heart) and then the worst of it is brought on when we relax.

06-09-2013, 12:35 AM
I'm the same way. If I keep busy I can sometimes fight it off. I also notice it more when relaxed (well as relaxed as I can get). There are alot of times though that I can't. I went ahead and took a 0.5mg of Xanax this morning. I hate taking it, but it did help and I didn't notice it as much

06-09-2013, 03:13 AM
The bp rise innu was becoz of heavy drinking which again got u a fatty liver, its curable, good to know u hv quit alchohol, boat like sensations is my every day life, cant help it, i keep kuself saying that i will be resolved on day, althought i hv done all test including MRI of my head nothibg came out only heart palpitations on 2d echo..

06-09-2013, 11:46 AM
Although I suffer from constant off-balance and lightheadedness.... Last night was something different .... I fell asleep and around 4am woke up with my head spinning! Every time I closed my eyes I would get that spinning sensation. I was completely sober . This has never happened to me before . I've already gone to an e.n.t and they cleared me . I just hope I'm not getting worse! Not only that .. I was up googling brain tumors and brain hemorrhage .... BIG MISTAKE....!!'freaked me the heck out ! Even more ... I was sleeping in a hotel bed that feels kinda bouncy to me.... Not sure if that could've caused it

06-09-2013, 11:52 AM
Although I suffer from constant off-balance and lightheadedness.... Last night was something different .... I fell asleep and around 4am woke up with my head spinning! Every time I closed my eyes I would get that spinning sensation. I was completely sober . This has never happened to me before . I've already gone to an e.n.t and they cleared me . I just hope I'm not getting worse! Not only that .. I was up googling brain tumors and brain hemorrhage .... BIG MISTAKE....!!'freaked me the heck out ! Even more ... I was sleeping in a hotel bed that feels kinda bouncy to me.... Not sure if that could've caused it

I've had years of the same and every test has come back clear,the only
Time I had anything was a ear infection which is easy cleared up :) have you had your ears looked at? I think it's all just due to the panic attacks tho :)

06-09-2013, 11:55 AM
I too have heart palps. Ive had em for a very long time.

Ive had that before. I actually had it the other night..scared the hell out of me. I also had that a few times during the first week of being sober (dry drunk maybe?) I spend most of my days tired. Maybe that's all it is and our brains see a threat making us anxious.

06-09-2013, 12:08 PM
I've had years of the same and every test has come back clear,the only
Time I had anything was a ear infection which is easy cleared up :) have you had your ears looked at? I think it's all just due to the panic attacks tho :)

Yea I had an Audio test and then looked at by an E.N.T. He said everything was fine

06-09-2013, 12:09 PM
I too have heart palps. Ive had em for a very long time.

Ive had that before. I actually had it the other night..scared the hell out of me. I also had that a few times during the first week of being sober (dry drunk maybe?) I spend most of my days tired. Maybe that's all it is and our brains see a threat making us anxious.

I don't feel like I'm anxious, the feeling of off balance and lightheaded makes me want to get anxious

06-11-2013, 02:32 PM
Ok, I tried going to the ENT today. My dr wouldn't refer me even though I told him yesterday I was going. I told him yesterday I wanted to rule out all physical causes. My blood work (from another post) was all good. My bp was a little high, but not enough to cause any physical symptoms (even he said that). Had my eyes also checked yesterday. My prescription has changed ( I haven't been wearing them). My neck has been hurting for as long as I can remember. Maybe that's causing it...tension in my neck. Im frustrated as hell.

06-11-2013, 03:25 PM
If you were a heavy drinker for 15 years and quit cold turkey, you're more than likely to feel like crap just from the withdrawls alone - heck, anxiety and panic are pretty common side effects from quitting drinking too.

06-11-2013, 04:02 PM
That's very true. The first 2 weeks were pretty bad. The dizziness started a few weeks before I quit.

06-11-2013, 08:42 PM
Ok, I tried going to the ENT today. My dr wouldn't refer me even though I told him yesterday I was going. I told him yesterday I wanted to rule out all physical causes. My blood work (from another post) was all good. My bp was a little high, but not enough to cause any physical symptoms (even he said that). Had my eyes also checked yesterday. My prescription has changed ( I haven't been wearing them). My neck has been hurting for as long as I can remember. Maybe that's causing it...tension in my neck. Im frustrated as hell.It is frustrating I know because I also have vertigo. I think you should keep trying to get to see that ENT. It could be vertigo as well. It happens to me much worse in the heat than colder climate.

These days just about everything is chalked up to anxiety when an obvious cause it not determined. You have to be persistent with some of your symptoms and not give in right away. Just my dime-store advice of course.

That's very true. The first 2 weeks were pretty bad. The dizziness started a few weeks before I quit.Congratulations on quitting alcohol. I still drink and the hangover certainly does not help dizziness.

06-11-2013, 10:46 PM
Thanks Surfside. It is frustrating as hell. Im to the point of paying out of pocket because I cant get the referral. Im also thinking of switching doctors. Ive even brought up lyme disease to my doc a few years back. I had been bit by a tick and got a little ill after. Hell I got bit about 2 months ago or so as well. It was chalked up to being anxious etc..

06-12-2013, 11:29 PM
I have the neck tension constantly as well. It cracks snapples and pops when I turn it left and right almost every time. I've been thinking it may be causing my problems with lightheadedness and balance too, even nausea.

06-12-2013, 11:50 PM
The "dizziness" feeling was the whole beginning of my anxiety and panic disorder. I woke up one day and felt off balance as if I were on a boat. Couldn't drive, didn't want to work, was scare of running into things while walking (though I don't) I went to every kind of doctor and have ha every kind of test known to man. According to my doctors I am 100% healthy .. Which is hard to believe when you don't feel we'll. this has subsequently turned into a full blown disorder. I am constantly worried about my health. Mostly my heart. I can't go a single day without thinking "I'm going to go into cardiac arrest today and die" it's insane. I still do normal things like work and socialize. In just constantly at war in my own head.

06-14-2013, 05:47 AM
The "dizziness" feeling was the whole beginning of my anxiety and panic disorder. I woke up one day and felt off balance as if I were on a boat. Couldn't drive, didn't want to work, was scare of running into things while walking (though I don't) I went to every kind of doctor and have ha every kind of test known to man. According to my doctors I am 100% healthy .. Which is hard to believe when you don't feel we'll. this has subsequently turned into a full blown disorder. I am constantly worried about my health. Mostly my heart. I can't go a single day without thinking "I'm going to go into cardiac arrest today and die" it's insane. I still do normal things like work and socialize. In just constantly at war in my own head.
Have you tried Benzodiazepines?

06-14-2013, 09:27 AM
The "dizziness" feeling was the whole beginning of my anxiety and panic disorder. I woke up one day and felt off balance as if I were on a boat. Couldn't drive, didn't want to work, was scare of running into things while walking (though I don't) I went to every kind of doctor and have ha every kind of test known to man. According to my doctors I am 100% healthy .. Which is hard to believe when you don't feel we'll. this has subsequently turned into a full blown disorder. I am constantly worried about my health. Mostly my heart. I can't go a single day without thinking "I'm going to go into cardiac arrest today and die" it's insane. I still do normal things like work and socialize. In just constantly at war in my own head.

Well your not alone ! I'm constantly feeling off-balance/ lightheaded for 2 months now. My anxiety Is low and some times not there.. It's the off balance feeling that throws me off and get's me thinking bad thoughts. Although it doesn't keep me from socializing , kids, work, etc. it's always there .. In the back of my mind. In turn, I'm always constantly at war with my own head.!!! I know I need to stop it,accept it, ignore it the best I can.. But it's hard when it's in your mind! WE NEED TO STAY STRONG !

06-14-2013, 12:24 PM
Mine actually went for a few days, but its back now along with other symptoms..

06-23-2013, 11:38 AM
I've felt like this for 13 months now, lol. It sucks but it's typical anxiety BS.

Did it eventually just go away?

06-23-2013, 11:49 AM
Ok, I tried going to the ENT today. My dr wouldn't refer me even though I told him yesterday I was going. I told him yesterday I wanted to rule out all physical causes. My blood work (from another post) was all good. My bp was a little high, but not enough to cause any physical symptoms (even he said that). Had my eyes also checked yesterday. My prescription has changed ( I haven't been wearing them). My neck has been hurting for as long as I can remember. Maybe that's causing it...tension in my neck. Im frustrated as hell.

Definitely me!!!! Everything you have stated has been something I'm going through! I'm 27. My neck feels stiff and actually your neck can cause you to be dizzy!!! This is actually great to see people are goin through the same thing I am and I don't have fluid on my ears, it's just the anxiety with the symptoms I'm getting! I always feel I'm gonna pass out in public. My knees get to wobblin and I feel like everything around me is spinnin!

06-23-2013, 02:33 PM
Oh my word Meg. I get the stiff neck also!! Me and you are very similar. I also get periods of pulsating in my ears which make them itchy. Ent didnt find anything with me either and put it down to anxiety. I get the dizzy spells daily x

06-23-2013, 02:38 PM
Yes we are!!! Maybe we can help each other over come this!!! I've been tellin myself all day that it's just anxiety, it'll go away. That's helped a lot!

06-23-2013, 03:51 PM
Mine is still here and stronger than ever. Im damn near bed bound now.

06-23-2013, 03:59 PM
Mine is still here and stronger than ever. Im damn near bed bound now.

It's just sensations. It'll pass. Keep tellin yourself that. The more you focus on them, the worse it is.

06-23-2013, 04:00 PM
You've been to the dr. They ruled everything out. There's nothing wrong. Try to remember that!

06-23-2013, 04:19 PM
I know. Its always there. I'm always off balance. I've tried telling myself its just anxiety.