View Full Version : Health anxiety

06-04-2013, 11:18 PM
Hey im a 24 yr old male. Lately ive been quite concerned about my health. Got heaps if tests done and have been told im fine but i find it hard to breathe and today i felt like i was actully going go die. The ER said i was fine. Heart lungs and bloods(it was hard to breathe,felt faint) . Im quite freaked out . Does anyone have these symtoms? . Please help. Thankyou

06-04-2013, 11:55 PM
Yes this is exactly what happened to me when I got diagnosed with anxiety/hypochondria. I have always been worried about my health, I get that from my father. But when I got out of school last year I was home alone a lot, and my thoughts got the best of me which caused me to have anxiety attacks. I had the same symptoms as you, the trouble breathing and feeling of death, amongst many more; tongue/throat swelling, facial numbness, blurred vision, etc. Which was very scary as you can imagine because I'm already thinking I have health problems lol. So I go to tons of doctors days after day for a few weeks and all tell me nothing is wrong, at all. And I just wasn't having it. Until I finally saw a doctor that sat me down and acted kind of as a therapist and just broke me down and got me balling my eyes out and helped me accept that I had an anxiety disorder and depression. It wasn't until I finally accepted that that all the symptoms and attacks went away completely. I still struggle with it every day, thinking I have something or something could be going wrong in my body. But I've come such a long way and things have gotten significantly better in my life with the self help I give myself. It's hard to go to any family or friends no matter how much they care or listen because unless they go through it, no one really understands. It's hard to understand how scary an anxiety attack is until you have one on your own. Like how you were saying you felt like you were going to die, that's an actual symptom for an anxiety attack. And no one accept for people who suffer from them will ever understand how frightening it is. I wish you the best with dealing with this, things will definitely get better. Just try not to worry, trust me I know that's easier said than done, but just stay busy, think positive. And if the doctors say you're fine, you are. You can go every few months to check up on things, I still do lol so you can ease your mind in the mean time. But don't sweat over things you have no control over and enjoy your life.

06-05-2013, 12:42 AM
Thankyou so much for your help