View Full Version : Medication Help

06-03-2013, 09:34 PM
Hi all just wondering what's everyone's opinion on the 'best' medication to treat severe anxiety. I know it's a long shot that it would work for me but I need something.

06-04-2013, 09:17 AM
Well if it's truly a severe/debilitating anxiety situation that needs fast action I would say any benzo at the right dose. I recommend a longer acting benzo(valium/clorazepate/klonopin/librium) as they tend to have a bit less dependency potential.
Often they will start an ssri with the benzo and taper off the benzo as the ssri kicks in and I highly recommend that route.......in the case of severe/debilitating anxiety. Otherwise just start an ssri and/or only use the benzo for tough days again until the ssri fully kicks in or just hold off on the benzo if you can.
Also, psychotherapy to see if a source for the anxiety can be found and addressed in critical. Just my take on this. Alankay

06-04-2013, 07:58 PM
Yep, any benzo should work no doubt.

SSRIs can be difficult in finding one, some may even make anxiety worse. I must stress the SOME though.

06-04-2013, 08:11 PM
This bout of depression I have not been able to take any previous tablets took before because body rejects them and have severe side effects. For over 2 years my psychiatrist has been trying to find something to work. He said I have rejected the two main bodies of tablets this time.
He has now put me on a brand new one on the market but although thought after few weeks it was working I went through such a bad patch he has doubled the dose and still not sure it is working.
So there are loads out there to try but all can act differently on people and act differently at different times of your life.