View Full Version : Can't stop!

06-01-2013, 10:36 AM
I don't know if anyone else has this symptom but it's really annoying me as I can't seem to stop!

When I get anxious I start to bite the end of my tongue, not massively so I'm taking chunks out haha, but it's like I'm just skimming over the skin and eventually because I'm doing it for so long it'll start to take the layer of my skin away. It's only on the very end but it gets so sore, I know the mouth's the quickest healing place on your body but I'm doing it so often without even realising.

Does anyone else do this? I also sometimes do it with my gums too .

06-01-2013, 10:42 AM
No, but I grind my teeth until my jaw aches and I get headache.

06-01-2013, 10:43 AM
No, but I grind my teeth until my jaw aches and I get headache.

I also do this, but mostly in my sleep!

06-01-2013, 12:15 PM
It is not something I do, but it is really easy to think of something you do when agitated. I swing my leg when really anxious, and other people will have things they do. Luckily swinging my leg does not hurt, but it is very visible which is not easy and annoys my husband intensely because he knows it means I am not well. Perhaps you have chosen something less visible so that no-one knows you are anxious and you can do it anywhere, even though bit does hurt.