View Full Version : Can neurotransmitters balance themselves back out over time?

05-30-2013, 10:20 PM
Really dont want to take meds. I wanted to know how long this usually takes. I read anywhere from 13-26 months. Anyone familiar? My anxiety is not to bad. Its just constant worry and fear over stupid shit.

05-30-2013, 11:26 PM
Your body wants to correct itself no matter what. I think as long as you are putting the right things into it you can get balanced out. It depends which neurotransmitters are off. For serotonin you can take natural supplements like 5htp, tryptophan, sam-e, or saint johns wort. For gaba you can take a whole lot of things such as taurine, glycine, gaba, inositol, holy basil, ect. For low dopamine take tyrosine or DLPA. The DLPA also helps boast endorphins. Both tyrosine and DLPA can elevate anxiety in some people so be weary of trying these. Then everyone needs the basic. A good quality multi, a good vitamin c with bioflavonoids, MAGNESIUM (this is crucial for anxiety), Vitamin D (you should get it tested many are low in this), b complex if it doesn't over stimulate you, and fish oil. Make sure you cut out caffeine and sugar. Eat lots of veggies and fruit. Lots of protein too. Make sure to get plenty of exercise, sunlight, and sleep each day.

Do all of that and you'll be golden in no time. No meds needed. Also see a Dr. if you haven't to test your B12, Vitamin D, and thyroid levels. Testosterone too if your a male.