View Full Version : Feeling very anxious and stressed 😞

05-30-2013, 08:28 PM
Hi there, I hope everyone is doing well this evening. Just looking to chat or perhaps vent a little. Ugghhhh I have had anxiety disorder for like the past 6 years and its been up and down. This particular time it been quite stressful with selling and buying a new house, closing is July 2. I have had so much anxiety lately .....my arm was feeling weird and now lately my leg is feeling weak or weird off and on......I feel the more worked up I am the worse it seems. Does anyone else ever feel this?? I went to the walk in tonight and saw my GP, I told him I was worried about ALS.... MS... I can't stop worrying and it's getting worse..... I have red that the more you think about the way you feel the worse it can be..... Please someone.....let me know your thoughts.... Please

05-30-2013, 10:46 PM
If you have seen your Dr and your symptoms are all from anxiety then you need to learn some techniques to handle the anxiety.
Meditation really helps. You can go to a group which is really good, or otherwise just find a quiet place for a few minutes a day and just concentrate on your breathing and let any thoughts or worries just pass through your head. It will calm you down and give your head a rest, even if only for a few minutes a day. You can then build up the amount of time each day.
Another technique is accupressure. Fear is your middle finger and worry is your thumb. So you hold the finger or thumb depending on if you are worried or scared with the fingers of the other hand and the thumb of the other hand underneath. You sit and squeeze hard. After a while you will find your fear or anger gets better. It really works and you can do it at anytime and no-one knows you are doing it.
Also mindfulness works, so if your anxiety allows you to go out, go for walks and really notice the trees, flowers, birds etc. I found it impossible at first to even go out, and then when out I was so anxious I could not look at trees etc because so much going on in head but the more you try it the easier it gets and it does make you feel better because you have had fresh air, some exercise and calmness if looking at nature because head has had a rest from worries.
I also go for reflexology which really helps if you find the right person who can tune into your body and problems. I can feel which bit of my body the lady is working on and also know a few days later how she has lifted my mood.
Hope these ideas help, but you have to keep trying them and give them time to help you.