View Full Version : Heart Attack Anxiety

05-29-2013, 05:34 PM
Hello All,

Why is it that when I hear of someone having a heart attack, I start freaking out. Today I heard of 2 people that have gotten heart attacks and I am constantly asking myself... Is this a sign? A warning? And I keep questioning myself and all the tests that the doctors have done. I've had every test done and the doctors can't find anything, why do I keep obsessing about this...

Does anyone have this problem?

05-29-2013, 05:47 PM
Hello All,

Why is it that when I hear of someone having a heart attack, I start freaking out. Today I heard of 2 people that have gotten heart attacks and I am constantly asking myself... Is this a sign? A warning? And I keep questioning myself and all the tests that the doctors have done. I've had every test done and the doctors can't find anything, why do I keep obsessing about this...

Does anyone have this problem?

Yeah ... I've had that b4 and sumtimes with any diagnosis I hear of

05-29-2013, 06:51 PM
Anyone else have this?

05-29-2013, 06:57 PM
I have this great fear of heart issues. I too have been checkout and cardiologist stated that all is fine. However I still worry every time I have a flutter/palpitation or chest discomfort. I have been trying to work through it but it feels like an up hill battle somedays

05-29-2013, 07:06 PM
Your fear of death is completely natural, unfortunately a brain on panic disorder causes our brain to turn this idea into a giant run-on OCD idea.

First step to healing is to realize and and accept that the above is what is going on in your mind. Second step would to be to learn how to re-program the way your brain thinks, if you can do that then you can stop the endless cycle of thinking in it's tracks. It may comeback but you keep at it until it dissapates and your brain realizes that it/you are fine. To re-program it there are many ways. Talk to a therapist about it, read up on some self help techniques, take medicene if you're up for it. Anti-anx meds work by reducing the brains ability to constantly go over and over about the subject you're worried about.

05-29-2013, 07:07 PM
I definitely have the exact fear you have! EVERY SINGLE DAY!

05-29-2013, 07:23 PM
I used to panic about my heart everyday especially because my palpitations have been more frequent and I have a lot of muscle twiches in the chest and weird feelings but I still worry about it, when my mind tells me 'what if it's a heart attack' I just say: I have a long life to live I'm young and not gonna die any soon, I'm not in the group risk and my diet is pretty healthy. It's scary. I tried hypnosis to treat this irrational fear but didn't work ugh.

05-29-2013, 08:11 PM
Hey cheesy cat.
I was kinda forced into that situation by having another health issue.
Once I started going to Drs the more THEY put me in a panic.
My heart rate was out of the roof!
So a Cardiologist put me on atenolol #25
Guess what I didn't need it.
Now at this very moment I'm drug withdrawing from all of the garbage I was put on. ( not just heart medicine)... Tons of unnecessary meds!
Don't let the medical world do that to you!
Believe me getting off of this shit is far worse than having anxiety.
Not only does it their antidepressants & other meds CAUSE anxiety,it is hell getting away from the poisons!
It's painful,if you think you have anxiety now just wait till you try getting off of this crap.
I suggest getting a hypnosis app.( I use Andrew Johnson's ) he's been a life saver,also take a very hot shower then switch the water to cold,as cold as you can stand it,now do that 6 or 7 times and end the shower with cold!
It stimulates the the body into a natural state of relaxation.
Try anything but prescription drugs.
If I can help contact me.

05-29-2013, 08:14 PM
BTW... Mine issues have been all from anxiety!

05-30-2013, 06:41 AM
I too suffer from a great deal of anxiety rooting from the fear of having a heart attack. I'm 21, and I come from two family lines that have no previous records of heart attack due to heart problems; if it's happened it's because of old age/natural causes/etc. Somehow though, for the past year or so, the 'second coming' of my anxiety, this particular fear has taken a hold on my day to day life. I don't have the healthiest diet, due to lack of money and time because of college, however I'd say I'm pretty fit comparably to a lot of people around me. I've gotten checked out by a doctor recently and the results came back showing I had no signs of any sort of heart complications; they said "everything checked out fine". Somehow the problem still persists. Many days I self medicate with alcohol to help relieve my anxiety due to this, however, this often times leads to anxiety when having a hangover. I also sleep in poor positions that often times give me chest tension and muscle aches when I wake up and this combined with being hungover always makes for a shitty morning. Two things that have helped me with this anxiety are eating healthier and taking vitamins as well as running or doing daily exercise. Writing and reading have also helped. Visiting a therapist has given some enlightenment to myself/my anxieties/etc. Also keep in mind your body is such a delicate mechanism when coming to anxiety; having the proper diet/sleep/everything is important to having anxiety free days. I hope this helped!

05-30-2013, 07:21 AM
Hey I just wanted to say literally just come back from docs and I said to her I'm scared of having a heart attack... Her reply .... Ur heart beats so fast with anxiety it's excersising itself and becoming stronger.... Easy to say but it made me feel better to hear that. Hope it helps you x

05-30-2013, 07:35 AM
Hey I just wanted to say literally just come back from docs and I said to her I'm scared of having a heart attack... Her reply .... Ur heart beats so fast with anxiety it's excersising itself and becoming stronger.... Easy to say but it made me feel better to hear that. Hope it helps you x

Wow.... Never thought ov it like that :-)

05-30-2013, 07:42 AM
Neither had I until doc explained that in order for your excersice to have effect your heart must beat faster.... When ur anxious your heart is pounding... Hence why u get tired after a panic attack because your body feels like its done a stint at the gym
Makes sense when you think rationally doesn't it lol x

05-30-2013, 12:05 PM
the way your heart beats during an episode of anxiety is the same way your heart would beat if you were jogging on the treadmill at the gym. it is exercising your heart the only negative is the cortisol being released into your bloodstream and the excessive adrenaline.
the reason it feels so uncomfortable and scary is because when youre at the gym YOU KNOW why your heart is pounding so hard. during anxiety it's all scary and confusing and youre not sure whats happening so the palpitations are very alarming.

05-31-2013, 10:04 AM
Hello All,

Why is it that when I hear of someone having a heart attack, I start freaking out. Today I heard of 2 people that have gotten heart attacks and I am constantly asking myself... Is this a sign? A warning? And I keep questioning myself and all the tests that the doctors have done. I've had every test done and the doctors can't find anything, why do I keep obsessing about this...

Does anyone have this problem?

Yep Snap I feel the exact same . Even if I hear the word my mind goes crazy . For example I.wont listen to demi lavatos song heart attack just because it has the word in it