View Full Version : work phobia and anti- depressants

05-29-2013, 08:57 AM

This is the first time I've ever posted on a forum, I suppose that should be a sign to myself that I've reached a low point and need help.

I left my job a few months ago due to severe anxiety and depression. It got so bad that I was escaping from the office and running all the way home most weeks, and then unplugging the phone so my boss couldn't call me. Some days I would wake up crying and not go in. I would be too anxious to call in sick. So I was on the verge of being fired so I quit.

I've been working full time since I was 16 (I'm almost 25) and have been traumatised by every single job I've had, either through bullying or harassment from customers.

I have felt a little better since I left my job, but my depression in flaring up and things are tight financially so my partner has said that I need to go back to work soon. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow about going on anti-depressants, but I feel I am doing this to satisfy my partner. Basically I have suffered from depression and anxiety since I was 11 and I attempt to go on anti depressants every couple of years, but the side effects are so severe that I feel it is impossible to take them for more than a week. I know the side effects are meant to go away in time, but they give me insomnia so severe that I cannot sleep for more than 30-45 mins per night, and after a week or so I always collapse and end up in A&E. I must have taken around 10 different kinds, and always the same thing. So I am petrified of taking them, but my partner is determined that I go on them and thinks the side effects are all in my head. He doesn't believe I'll get better without them, maybe he's right.

Anybody been through anything similar?

05-29-2013, 03:41 PM

This is the first time I've ever posted on a forum, I suppose that should be a sign to myself that I've reached a low point and need help.

I left my job a few months ago due to severe anxiety and depression. It got so bad that I was escaping from the office and running all the way home most weeks, and then unplugging the phone so my boss couldn't call me. Some days I would wake up crying and not go in. I would be too anxious to call in sick. So I was on the verge of being fired so I quit.

I've been working full time since I was 16 (I'm almost 25) and have been traumatised by every single job I've had, either through bullying or harassment from customers.

I have felt a little better since I left my job, but my depression in flaring up and things are tight financially so my partner has said that I need to go back to work soon. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow about going on anti-depressants, but I feel I am doing this to satisfy my partner. Basically I have suffered from depression and anxiety since I was 11 and I attempt to go on anti depressants every couple of years, but the side effects are so severe that I feel it is impossible to take them for more than a week. I know the side effects are meant to go away in time, but they give me insomnia so severe that I cannot sleep for more than 30-45 mins per night, and after a week or so I always collapse and end up in A&E. I must have taken around 10 different kinds, and always the same thing. So I am petrified of taking them, but my partner is determined that I go on them and thinks the side effects are all in my head. He doesn't believe I'll get better without them, maybe he's right.

Anybody been through anything similar?

Hi There,

This is also my first post on the forum, I've been suffering from GAD for over 5 years and can relate in some ways to what you have said, i got it when i was around 11 and at the age it is awful to go through and not understanding what anxiety is, my anxiety causes me to have severe IBS and had to go to the loo 8-9 times a day unexpectedly, Most employers just like most people now days don't understand enough about mental health as there is not enough awareness, you are ill and your health should come first before anything, i too was put on medication were i had insomnia and i can say its one of the worst things and feelings I've had, so frustrating and causes you to become more anxious ! It was Sertraline that did it for me.

I Recommend to try more medication as obviously all medication works differently on each person, and to take each day as it comes as i have experienced you have good days and the awful days. I recommend opening up to someone such as your partner but, unless they have gone through anxiety and depression they won't ever fully understand, but if they can try then that's all that counts. I would recommend to eat reguarly and drink often to avoid the fainting/dizzyness although i know tablets can cause this.

Don't know if this is much help, but i hope it is and i hope things get better for you my friend.