View Full Version : My head is a bomb

05-27-2013, 01:33 PM
Hello, my friends!

Over few days I have developed EXTREMELY strange condition: at times I feel like my head will explode. It feels like something in my head is very pressurizing and it drives my anxiety as I think that I might get sort of a "brain attack." I have been dealing with anxiety for 18 months now and this very feeling is quite unique to me during all my suffering period. Itīs so bad that it wonīt go away simply by distraction or physical exercise. Itīs so paralyzing thought and feeling, I just canīt get rid of it! Did anyone have the same feeling?

05-27-2013, 01:56 PM
That happens to people who have sinus infections/flareups. Do you have any known allergies?

05-27-2013, 03:00 PM
Well, not really. But itīs quite strange at the same time as very many people around me complain that they too have lots of health issues recently. Maybe it has something to do with spring - high concentration of allergens in air, changes in weather, sudden changes in temperatures. I donīt know, but I do know that this pressure thing in my head ranks very high in my all-time worst anxiety symptoms list.