View Full Version : Was having a good day!

05-23-2013, 02:42 PM
So I've had a good day up until now!! Felt little on edge this evening and all of a sudden I had this pain in my right shoulder and then it really really hurt now my arm feels weak and I have chest pains :( my heart just started beating so fast I couldn't keep up with it?! What's up with me feeling fine all day then sudden onset of the pain.

05-23-2013, 03:05 PM
Teetering on the edge, something you observed pushed you off that edge. What was it, if you know?

05-23-2013, 03:09 PM
Nothing... This always happens to me ill be chilling out and always the run up to bed time ill sudden get this intense pain in my arm or chest it's so strange or a bad palpertaion nothing sets it of either I was chilling out this evening watching tv and bam it hits me!! It's like there's something in me seeing I'm happy and wants to ruin it :(

05-23-2013, 03:18 PM
Does seem abit odd to not notice any triggers and then BAM! Almost as if the anxiety has a mind all its own, like it hits you out of habit. Fine all day, going out, buying things, happy, on edge for no reason, then this..

Where, if you know, did the edgey feeling come from or you were just carrying it?

05-23-2013, 03:19 PM
I could just feel it in the back of my head this evening.. It's when I get a physical symptom that's when tha panic hits me. I'm shakey at the moment think I've worked myself up to much along with it all I have heartburn due to eating strawberrys :(

05-23-2013, 03:26 PM
Have you ever tried taking an otc pain reliever before you know these head/neck pains are going to arrive? That may sound kinda goofy but from your post it always happens about the same time, head pain, then panic attack, regardless of how great the day was. It can't hurt to try to cut it off at the pass considering it always follows something going on with blood vessels or nerves in your head. Maybe also take something for heartburn each day too considering this seems to be a common occurance as well.

Just some ideas!