View Full Version : When you can't focus on anything else......................

05-23-2013, 03:08 AM
Urgh, brilliant upbringing but childhood ruined by anxiety, 15 years medication and varying treatments and still, here I am at 30 years old and facing another battle in the war of my brain!

No reason to feel anxious, no trauma, just always been there. Not constantly, i've been given days, weeks off but always rears its ugly fat head!!

Past week or two been downhill.

Feels like my neck is going to snap from tension. Headaches. Waking up shaking. Weird vision. Intrusive thoughts.....the usual.

Been trying not to focus on my anxiety, act like a person that doesn't have a care in the world (easier said than done).

Millions of people suffer but I feel so alone. Close family but feel like I'm the abnormal one. Relationship but add strain to it unintentioanlly. Work but feel like I'm heading nowhere in life as I'll always dread the sensations I feel.

Just a moan. Sorry. Stopes me blarting :-)

05-23-2013, 05:56 AM
I can relate, I get all kinds of weird sensations.. tension headaches, intrusive thoughts, can't sleep.. not at the moment, but I have felt all those things. My husband and my family are very supportive, but they don't fully understand how scary it can be for me, and so i sometimes still feel alone. My husband gets pretty stressed out at times too when it comes to my anxiety, especially if i've had it for a long time, he can't take it anymore and sometimes gets angry.. but i can understand, my anxiety makes me angry too! Sounds like you have a good support system. You just have to keep moving on with life.. be proactive and do good things for your body like exercise and eating right. You're on the right track.

05-23-2013, 09:35 AM
It is a hard path. Like the missmello said, go out, exercise. Force yourself to do things that you're not comfortable with. After 15 years you probably noticed that anxiety can't really harm you in any way, you are the living proof that there is no reason to worry at all.

05-23-2013, 01:27 PM


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Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Ireland
Posts: 1

Does anyone else ever get struck by thoughts that they can't trust humans. That all people are possessed by the devil and are not what they appear to be. This is my obsessional fear but I never ever come across anyone else who experiences such thoughts. Am I completely crazy???????????? When with other people I often involuntarily imagine what is within a person's head and body and imagine all kinds of weird black images that upset me and cause panic attacks. Because I can't see what's inside a person's head I panic when I imagine images of creatures inside people's heads controlling what they say and do. Can anyone else relate to this at all????????????????????????????????????

05-24-2013, 04:01 AM
My thought is slightly different but along the same path. If I make eye contact with a stranger, I have to look at someone else immediately incase the strangers 'evil' gets transferred to me so I transfer it to someone else!!!

If your crazy then I'm right with you :-)

05-24-2013, 05:01 AM
Really........we're all crazy in our own little ways! :) Just don't think you're the only one who's going through it!

05-24-2013, 05:46 AM
"If I make eye contact with a stranger"..You do it everyday when you look into a mirror, that's why we're all here. To find out who that stranger is to remember them.



05-24-2013, 06:23 AM
I see what you mean but anxiety is no stranger to me. I'm no stranger to myself. I just feel different from everyone I know because none of them experience my panic, dread, horible sensations, worry. I fear the news, I fear the unknown, I fear......well fear!

I think I would pass every exam for knowing about anxiety, its how to control my own that I can't fathom.

I know a thought is just a thought, a sensation isn't a symptom, a panic attack won't kill me but I still FEAR them all. I can't get passed that.

05-24-2013, 06:49 AM
Hey Bandit..Until you can reverse your first two statements in your mind, then it's going to be a struggle for you to pull yourself away from this obviously over powering anxiety while having a fear, of fears..

If you weren't a stranger to yourself then you probably wouldn't have stopped in to say Hey, I'm Bandit and I feel great about me, myself, and I!! So, chin up! Take care!

05-24-2013, 06:53 AM
Yeah that's true, never really thought of that. Kinda kidding myself really.


05-24-2013, 07:03 AM
That is already one step towards a positive directional change! See how easy that was???