View Full Version : How do u giys get all these heart test

05-21-2013, 08:23 PM
Do they do them for anxiety/panic PTs for piece of mind cause my doc n hospital jus does a ECG and sends me on my way I'm hoping there confident I don't hve a heart problem

05-21-2013, 08:45 PM
Do they do them for anxiety/panic PTs for piece of mind cause my doc n hospital jus does a ECG and sends me on my way I'm hoping there confident I don't hve a heart problem

When I had my first panic attack in 2011 I had never had anxiety or panic before and my left arm went numb, my tongue went numb (speech was kinda slurred) legs felt tingly heart racing and chest tightness, went to ER they did an EKG and that was fine but they referred me to a cardiologist to just be sure.. There they did another EKG, a ultrasound of my heart and I wore a monitor for 24 hours.

05-21-2013, 10:31 PM
All this tests I had them in the ER..

Blood work
Chest Xray

I hope I'm ok :/