View Full Version : I wish people would understand......

05-21-2013, 04:50 AM
I am going through a hard time with my anxiety. Long story short I have been dealing with it for 18 years ! 6 months ago I went off my meds so I could start to have a family... It hasn't happened yet which is causing a lot of stress between me and my husband. We have been fighting so much about everything and I have to say is pretty mean :( my anxiety is through the roof.. I had to call out of work yesterday and I didn't move from my bed :( I just want these feelings to go away., I can't eat, and I feel like my heart is going to jump out of my skin! I just want it to end!

05-21-2013, 05:06 AM
I know exactly how you feel.. I been dealing with my anxiety for 8 years. I'm here if u new to talk to someone PM me :)

05-21-2013, 05:11 AM
Thanks for responding! Sucks so bad! Injury wish my husband was more understanding ESP since he is the one that causes it

05-21-2013, 05:13 AM
Don't put so much pressure on yourself. Having a baby should be a fun experience.. and it will happen on its own time. My current bout with anxiety also started because me and my husband were trying to conceive and it was not happening for us. I was getting so stressed out and obsessing with tracking my ovulation, temperature, writing everything down.. then I had full blown anxiety, wouldnt get out of bed, so miserable for months. Looking back on it now i realize what I did to myself. Stress and anxiety will not help you conceive lol I now know this first hand.

Now I am just going to let whatever happen. No tracking, just let the days go by and if we end up pregnant, then great! Paying too much attention to it was stressing me out!

05-21-2013, 05:22 AM
It is so stressful! I honestly think the amount of anxiety and stress my body is going through is the reason. My two best friends also told me they were pregnant last week at a dinner party and I cried my eyes out!! I have to snap out of it and get myself together!

05-21-2013, 05:23 AM
I see you just got married too in oct?? I got married on nov 9th!

05-21-2013, 06:24 AM

I'm an addict. I've had anxiety since the moment I was conceived. Your post are short. My response will be short too.

Stop smothering everyone around you with, your own extremely high expectations and demands, and stop forcing them to follow your rules, beliefs, regulations, and rules, before they all disappear.

Stop blaming anyone else, other then yourself, for this anxiety. You are the carrier. You are the one that feeds it. You are the one that is in charge of it. Not them.

Change your views. It is you with the problem. Not them.

Have a nice day!


05-21-2013, 08:27 PM
Ok.... Thanks for your wonderful advice :)

05-21-2013, 10:02 PM
I hope you know, I meant not to be mean and offer some humor too (Hi, I'm an addict?) HAAHA!

Your comment made me smile, and I'm still laughing too thank you!!

I hope it helps you! :)


05-22-2013, 06:17 AM
You should try some more natural ways to deal with your anxiety since you can't take meds anymore. I have been trying all of the things I list below and while not everyday is easy, I have been feeling much better with much lower anxiety.

1. Mindfulness- recognizing and accepting that your feelings snd symptoms are simply due to anxiety.

2. Meditation- I take at least 10 minutes a day simply being still. Clear your mind, or think of some thing peaceful...it could be sitting on the beach, etc....whatever is peaceful to you. Concentrate on your brrathing....inhaling fully through your nose, exhaling fully through your mouth. At least for me, this calms the body tremendously.

3. Exercise- perhaps since you can't do full out exercise right now, take a walk. Take time to notice the small things around you that are easy to miss. I exercise and find that I feel great afterwards.

4. Change your eating habits- I have personally cut out a large amt of salt from my diet. I'm reading labels more now...and opting for items that have a lower sodium content. I go to my local farmers market and buy a ton more fruits and veggies.( for cheaper than the grocery store too!) I still eat out, but I try to remember that a lot of that stuff you buy while eating out, you can find the same recipe online and make it for cheaper and probably with less salt and sugar than the entree you get while out. I have seen the results, I am testing myself for the next two weeks and if my bp is good, I can get off my bp meds. So far, so good!

5. Cut negativity from your life- its pretty self explanatory, but truthfully, hard to do. I've had to stop watching certain programs that I know will trigger my anxiety. Sometimes, I have to cut back from the news because the amt of negativity is overwhelming. People in my life that were spouting negativity, I've cut them back as well.

Sorry this is so much, but I've been feeling great and I just wanted to share what's been working for me. Hope some of this may help you also. I know that feeling of overwhelming anxiety, and I never want to go back there.