View Full Version : Body weakness and anxiety attacks?

05-19-2013, 02:38 PM

I have been suffering for around three years now with GAD, Panic Attacks,memory problems, derealisation, depersonalisation mild OCD, fear of going crazy and the whole intrusive thoughts thing.

It took me along time to admit that I had a problem and have only recently sought help from professionals. Brought on by prolonged periods of stress related to life issues and a case of early onset arthritis.


I have a whole catalogue of issues/ triggers that have taken me on an emotional roller coaster for years and its been very difficult but I am now trying to seek as much help as possible to finally try to squash these problems and rid myself of them.

At the moment im trying to find out my triggers/behaviour/thought process etc

The main thing that makes it worse is the day after drinking alcohol which is something I have cut down on heavily.

I have however noticed something that happens that usually sets me off.

Basically I have a temporary weakness in the whole of my body the last no more than 5 seconds. By this it feels like there is a fullness to my whole body and its washes right over me and makes me feel exhausted and weak for no more than 5 seconds.

This feeling somehow feels like it moves to my head and triggers me to feel anxious and full of anxiety and it triggers me to worry, panic which then triggers all the other symptoms I have stated above.

I do have a general feeling of muscle weakness all of the time which makes me feel pretty tired but the above scenario is an intense version that triggers an anxiety attack.

I just wondered if you have any advice, no what this is or have heard of it before?

05-19-2013, 03:42 PM
Hi there :) I'm a sufferer of depersonalization as well and mild panic disorder so I can 100% relate with you on the field of "I'm going crazy" thoughts. I have also just recently started getting professional help and am now attending CBT. I've experienced some weakness as well and this spikes up my depersonalization and anxiety. The weakness that I experience (jelly legs, fatigue, etc.) usually occur during panic attacks rather than prior to one. Are you experiencing depression, insomnia, or even dehydration? I have depression due to my anxiety and I definitely do not consume enough fluids each day so I have a feeling that a combination of these 2 things make me feel weak, and sometimes dizzy even. I have troubles sleeping as well and somedays waves of fatigue will just hit me and my head feels like 100lbs! :(

Sorry if my input wasn't that helpful, I'm just putting out suggestions based on my own personal experiences. :) Best of luck!

05-19-2013, 04:12 PM

Thanks a lot for the reply!! Hope you get sorted and it eventually leaves you because it seems like it may be here forever but hopefully it wont.

I have never suffered with depression, sometimes I can feel myself slipping that way but I keep on top of it. One parent of mine has had depression before so I know how it presents itself and what its about. Fortunately my personality doesn't allow me to become depressed (im sure it would have happened now considering how extreme the anxiety etc has been).

I definitely dont drink enough water in a day and its definitely something I should and will do more often.

I do know that alcohol makes things so much worse the next day. I dont abuse alcohol and drink no more than the average Joe and have cut down a lot on amounts, frequency and the strength of alcohol from my younger days. Its sad to admit because drinking is the only time I have feel sane, normal, sharp and not ridden with anxiety but it will come back to hit you twice as bad the next day.

I dont want to focus on alcohol too much because I really am cutting it out. I go on holiday in 2 weeks with some friends so I intend to cut alcohol out completely then after the holiday cut it out completely and indefinitely. I plan to go on a health kick of early nights, healthy eating, exercise and gym and more water to see if this really helps me.

As for insomnia. YES!!!very bad. The whole process of trying to sleep is just so tedious although when I am asleep I do manage to get my 8 hours.

These waves of body weakness strike at anytime throughout my body to my head for a brief time which suddenly raise my panic/anxiety levels which then starts up all the other symptoms.

Usually followed my constant rapid ruminating thoughts "am i going crazy", "will I go crazy", "what happens if I go insane", "what happens if a lose control" then the feeling as if I will lose control, then searching the scenario to think of the worst case scenario, "what happens if I commit an act of violence on someone around me" etc etc

Stupid thing is I know they are irrational fears. I have had these thoughts when linked to an attack so many times and never have or will act on them. Im disgusted, wrapped with guilt and hate that these ideas have entered my head. The fact I am so concerned and disgusted by these thoughts just means I am a perfectly normal and sane person.

When not in an episode its laughable about why I got so worked up about it but when its happening its so scary and real.

Thanks :)

P.s Dont get me started on the brain fog.

05-19-2013, 04:31 PM

I have been suffering for around three years now with GAD, Panic Attacks,memory problems, derealisation, depersonalisation mild OCD, fear of going crazy and the whole intrusive thoughts thing.

It took me along time to admit that I had a problem and have only recently sought help from professionals. Brought on by prolonged periods of stress related to life issues and a case of early onset arthritis.


I have a whole catalogue of issues/ triggers that have taken me on an emotional roller coaster for years and its been very difficult but I am now trying to seek as much help as possible to finally try to squash these problems and rid myself of them.

At the moment im trying to find out my triggers/behaviour/thought process etc

The main thing that makes it worse is the day after drinking alcohol which is something I have cut down on heavily.

I have however noticed something that happens that usually sets me off.

Basically I have a temporary weakness in the whole of my body the last no more than 5 seconds. By this it feels like there is a fullness to my whole body and its washes right over me and makes me feel exhausted and weak for no more than 5 seconds.

This feeling somehow feels like it moves to my head and triggers me to feel anxious and full of anxiety and it triggers me to worry, panic which then triggers all the other symptoms I have stated above.

I do have a general feeling of muscle weakness all of the time which makes me feel pretty tired but the above scenario is an intense version that triggers an anxiety attack.

I just wondered if you have any advice, no what this is or have heard of it before?
I suffer from panic with weakness and trembling. I am crying because I am so worn out from this on a day to day basis. So tired of this.

05-19-2013, 04:33 PM
I hate the waves of weakness. I can't get it into my head that it won't hurt me. Please someone respond. Having a bad day

05-19-2013, 04:55 PM
I find the more exercise I do the better I feel. Its a cliche but its so true.

Focus on the highs in your life and not the lows.

Bubble baths, candles, drinking plenty of water and watching a funny film can work wonders.

I deal with this on a daily hourly basis and sometimes I feel like crying. I have only ever cried once in my adult life and I am a man but sometimes it just feels too much.

It wont last forever but it will probably last a long time but aggressively reassessing and changing bad lifestyle choices will help so much.

Make a list of all the things in your lifestyle that you think are making your condition worse. Then one by one address them and make changes to your life and come down on them like a ton of bricks.

05-19-2013, 05:09 PM
I find the more exercise I do the better I feel. Its a cliche but its so true.

Focus on the highs in your life and not the lows.

Bubble baths, candles, drinking plenty of water and watching a funny film can work wonders.

I deal with this on a daily hourly basis and sometimes I feel like crying. I have only ever cried once in my adult life and I am a man but sometimes it just feels too much.

It wont last forever but it will probably last a long time but aggressively reassessing and changing bad lifestyle choices will help so much.

Make a list of all the things in your lifestyle that you think are making your condition worse. Then one by one address them and make changes to your life and come down on them like a ton of bricks.

Ur correct, running does help me very much. I have started seeing a therapist. I think I k ow how I got here in this bad place. So it will take time to go away?? I so much appreciate u answering me! It helps me to k ow others go thru same thing.

05-19-2013, 05:10 PM
U deal with this on an hourly basis???? How does it not get the best of u?

05-19-2013, 05:29 PM
U deal with this on an hourly basis???? How does it not get the best of u?

It sounds cheesy but time is the greatest healer and eventually it will go.

I think because Im a positive person, have a good family and friends and its just something Ive learnt to deal with over a long period of time and it progressively got worse.

Im my own worst enemy and I really need to help myself by taking more steps to get on top of this. I need to practice what I preach and really get on top of all of this and do the things I recommended to you.

I never feel sorry for myself but I do have days that are worse than others and it is a struggle.

I dont know if you drink alcohol but if you do completely cut it out get plenty of exercise and im sure you will see a massive difference.

05-19-2013, 05:35 PM
There is always someone out there who has it worse than you and would love to be in your situation.

The problem is anxiety etc is a condition that starts small and gradually gets worse and at the begin people dont take enough care to make sure it doesn't get worse. We then start new behaviours and habits which are hard to break and that why it takes a long time to go because it takes time to break them habits. Myself included.

We tend to let it get the better of us and dont do enough to make sure it goes away. We need to help our selves by making better lifestyle choices like drinking more water, relaxing more, getting regular exercise, getting up early, eating a better diet, cutting out smoking and alcohol, avoiding too many things, not a routine, not having an something to do everyday, getting 8 hours sleep etc

If we did just two things on that list im sure our anxiety would be much lower.

05-19-2013, 05:41 PM
There is always someone out there who has it worse than you and would love to be in your situation.

The problem is anxiety etc is a condition that starts small and gradually gets worse and at the begin people dont take enough care to make sure it doesn't get worse. We then start new behaviours and habits which are hard to break and that why it takes a long time to go because it takes time to break them habits. Myself included.

We tend to let it get the better of us and dont do enough to make sure it goes away. We need to help our selves by making better lifestyle choices like drinking more water, relaxing more, getting regular exercise, getting up early, eating a better diet, cutting out smoking and alcohol, avoiding too many things, not a routine, not having an something to do everyday, getting 8 hours sleep etc

If we did just two things on that list im sure our anxiety would be much lower.

No I don't drink or smoke. Everything u wrote,sounds like me .i let a lot of situations pile up on me. Didn't handle well . I can't thank u enough for visiting with me

05-19-2013, 06:30 PM
I think it is just another symptom be cause i have had these too! And my muscles Hurt everyday! Also my joints snap alot throughout my whole body.. Never hear anyone say that one though.

05-20-2013, 10:55 AM
I had what felt like muscle weakness, mostly in my arms and legs, and it lasted for a few days. I would notice that while I was active, the feeling kind of went away, but while lying in bed my getting ready to sleep my arms and legs would feel incredibly weak. It was scary at first, but I tried convincing myself it was just anxiety.. I'd take a benzo and notice the feeling would start to go away a little. I had an awful time staying asleep too. I was lucky if I got 2 or 3 hours a night, so that may have contributed to it as well. It just kinda went away on its own, I made sure to keep myself busy and before I knew it I hadn't noticed the weak feeling anymore. I must have stopped focusing on the symptom and so it just disappeared.