View Full Version : Severe Nausea

05-10-2013, 08:07 AM
I miss whole week of work due to this severe nausea. I am so weak and I couldn't eat. I am so scared. I don't know why the Protonix Pepcid and Compazine is not helping . Lord pls help me

05-10-2013, 08:12 AM
Try ginger & lemon tea. Or peppermint tea. Peppermint gum. They all help[ settle your stomach. Worrying about it won't help, just make symptoms worse. Don't fret about when or if the drugs will work. Keep yourself as busy as you can to distract yourself.


05-10-2013, 09:14 AM
Thank Raggamut

I took Peppermint tea and chamomile tea but my nausea is so severe. I also drink fresh ginger and bought ginger candy. I have this nausea on and off for 7 months now.

05-10-2013, 09:24 AM
I know how you feel it's horrible I've had this nausea problem now for over 5 months, tried all sorts but certain things interact with the medications. It's horrible, dr tells me that it's severe anxiety causing it but I think it's that combined with the different tablets which can't be good taking when you've eaten little or nothing. I have to force myself which makes me feel worse n worse, and then I will heave and heave, trying to tell myself that one day this will go but god it's so hard, I wake up with it and then it's here all day, no one really understands if they've never suffered. My husband just says eat!!!!! Message me anytime lm here for you, it's crap all this, I just want to feel better? x

05-10-2013, 07:01 PM
I know how you feel!!! For 2 months straight I had severe nausea, dry heaving, scared to get out of bed because I felt so weak from not eating.. I was taking protonix and gaviscon and they did not help at all. I finally went to the doctor, went to a stomach specialist, all my test results came back great, nothing wrong with me. They finally put me on klonopin and zofran and I slowly got better. I'm not nauseous anymore and I have no problem eating now, thank God, but I still don't feel normal. I know its anxiety though, it has to be because all of tests came back normal.

Have you been to your doctor? I know you're taking stomach meds, but those didnt really help me. I feel like it was the klonopin that got me through it. Maybe you should consider asking about a med for anxiety, your nerves are probably on overdrive and that's what is causing your stomach upset. At least that's what it was for me.. and your story sounds identical to mine.

05-22-2013, 02:18 AM
Hi all please see my reply in the post "horrible emotions in Pitt of stomach" thread, I'm struggling again! x