View Full Version : Superstitious

05-08-2013, 08:22 AM
Does anyone else think superstitiously? For example, in the past, when I'd get an anxious trigger, itd turn into full blown panic. I'd rush to the doc to be told everything is ok.

I've had a physical symptom for quite some time. Anxiety is not there with it. I do think about it, and worry about it a little, but it has not turned into an anxiety attack.

I'm now thinking superstitiously. If I had panic before, and went to the doc and was told everything is ok, but now I'm not panicking, so I'm going to be told something is wrong. That it is the big C.

These thoughts are L A M E!

05-08-2013, 08:31 AM
I would respond to your post but I gave to read 10 threads everyday before I post.

05-08-2013, 08:32 AM
I would do that continuously.

Dates in particular I believed a panic attack would happen because it did before

And I would talk myself right into one

Superstitions are pretty common. Not unique to you.

05-08-2013, 08:40 AM
Best to read more about anxiety and understand it. That way there is no need for superstitions around when or where you might be fine and when you might get panicky. Work out what causes stress and worry in your life and be pro-active in trying to reduce it's volume and in time effect on you.

Don't try to fight symptoms. It's simply your body crying out fore rest to recover. Your body can and will recover. It wants to get you back to your old self again. Remember not to panic when symptoms come.

Let them come and go. Don't panic or try and fight. it'll only serve to stress you out more and in turn make symptoms last longer or feel like they're getting more intense.


have a read. A list of anxiety symptoms. They're very varied and i'm sure there's some that aren't even on that list.

If you broke your leg you wouldnt think of superstitions to heal yoruself. Wouldn't be going to the dr's constantly or browsing forums or the internet for cures. You'd accept it was broken and would take time to heal. It'd still hurt for a long time and you'd get on with your day regardless.

This acceptance is also what's key with anxiety. It can be tougher as anxiety can throw virtually any symptom going. But the more you understand anxiety the less you'll feel a need to rely on Dr reassurance or superstition or religion etc. You will be able to rationalize when symptoms or pains occur and you won't respond with emotions that get you even more worked up.

Hope you feel better soon.


05-08-2013, 09:32 AM
Lol Nixon!!!!

I've always been a little superstitious. But having anxiety with it kinda stinks.

Ed, thanks for the link. Yes, it's true anxiety can manifest itself in almost any physical way. I understand anxiety, and I've been doing quite well considering.

Would y'all classify superstitious as anxiety? Or a form of anxiety? I mean, what is it exactly and why do we do it?

05-08-2013, 10:01 AM
Lol Nixon!!!!

I've always been a little superstitious. But having anxiety with it kinda stinks.

Ed, thanks for the link. Yes, it's true anxiety can manifest itself in almost any physical way. I understand anxiety, and I've been doing quite well considering.

Would y'all classify superstitious as anxiety? Or a form of anxiety? I mean, what is it exactly and why do we do it?

I think you can be superstitious without having an anxiety disorder and vise versa

We all make our own symptoms and triggers of anxiety so by no means does one necessarily have anything to do with the other.