View Full Version : Dont know what to do???????

05-03-2013, 06:15 AM
I m feeling very low very tired don't even have energy to talk my chest feels tight and my breathing is shallow
I m having a slight pain at the bottom of the right hand side of my chest
I have this feeling that I m going to collapse at any time
I m so scared I m having these thoughts that it s happening again( had a tension pneumothorax last sep)
I m so scared I feel like going to A&E and getting check out but I m trying to hold myself because it happened before and it was nothing just anxiety
I m praying that it will pass and leave alone

05-03-2013, 06:22 AM
If you have a medical history, it wouldn't hurt for you to go get it checked out. It might be good just for your peace of mind.
It does sound like anxiety, though. I get chest pains pretty often due to my anxiety.

05-03-2013, 07:19 AM
I m in tears at the moment

I can't think straight
If I m really ill then I can't handle the idea of being ill staying in hospital and the rest that comes with it
And if it s just anxiety then I can't deal with it
I just had enough of feeling like this every day of my life
It s driving me insane and I m in the process of loosing my mind for good

05-03-2013, 10:29 AM
Funny how all of us who suffer from anxiety think we are going insane and losing our mind.

Of all the people I have met with this disorder, I am yet to come across that one person that did go insane or lost their mind.

In no way am I making light of how you feel.

My point is that you are feeling bad and instead of believing it is anxiety, you are trying to convince yourself that this time, it truly is a dangerous situation.

If you have been checked and cleared by a doctor, why would you think you are better than they to diagnose you?

Because you have anxiety and we know way more than the doctors do!!

Besides high heart rates, we are blessed with really big brains for diagnosis purposes.

This disorder can make life miserable. I was in a miserable place for so many years.

Amazing how much better life can be when you make progress towards your goal of feeling better.

See a doctor about medications if you are open to that. It helps many people slow down enough to focus on the mind

The cycle will repeat if you buy into anxiety's tricks

You are way too smart to fall for that again

Remember, you are blessed with the big brain!

05-03-2013, 02:56 PM
Yes I am blessed with 'the big brain'

But what's the point of having it if I m incapable to use it the right way
I saw my GP today and she gave me citalopram
She said it will take about 2weeks before I can feel any improvement
So finger crossed it does something for me

05-03-2013, 02:58 PM
It should help a lot

And you may begin to see subtle changes for the good in just a few days

I hope it works super fast for you

05-03-2013, 03:48 PM
I hope so !

Thx a lot for the time you put in to contribute to my thread

05-03-2013, 09:23 PM
I actually asked my dr if I'm crazy today. I hate the feeling of this. I have no appetite and when I do eat I can only eat a few bites and then I am done. I get nauseated and it is to the point of vomiting. I have lost weight and taking this one day at a time.
I'll keep all of you in my thoughts

05-04-2013, 05:48 AM
Did your doctor recommend you take any steps to help yourself?

05-04-2013, 08:25 AM
No just not to take on more than what I should. I know he worries about me ( I am also his nurse). I hate waking up feeling this way and I run through every mechanism in my head to rid myself of this. I tried the cloud therapy. The accepting therapy. Distraction. All different types I have tried. I HATE FEELING LIKE THIS AND I WANT IT TO GO AWAY. The sad thing is I don't know why I'm feeling this way. There were no triggers other than surgery.

05-04-2013, 05:54 PM
Maybe you should talk to someone who specializes in anxiety?

05-04-2013, 05:59 PM
I'm going to call on Monday and get in with my therapist