View Full Version : Light Sensitivity

05-03-2013, 02:37 AM
It seems fluorescent lighting at work is bringing on dizziness, disorientation, nausea and headaches. When I initlilly started getting these symptoms they were whilst I was taking antibiotics for 6 weeks which caused photosensitivity.

After my GP explained the meds wouldn't cause this sort of sensitivity to fluorescent lighting I realized it was probably due to anxiety.

Since stopping the meds every single day when I get into the office the dizziness and nausea comes on very quickly. When i leave the office it disappears within 10 minutes or so.

When I was on the meds my Dr wrote me a letter so I could work in my own office, with the blinds drawn. However my manager was eager to get me out of that office a.s.a.p and was pestering me weekly for new doctors notes.

It seems the only way to avoid this dizziness is not to be exposed to this fluorescent lighting. It may well be a temporary symptom. However this has now been going on for well over a month. Other anxiety forums have also had posts with people suffering form the same issues when exposed to this lighting. I suppose at this point the evidence is clearly pointing to a sensitivity to this lighting myself.

I just wonder if a Dr could write an letter allowing me to indefinately work in an office in the dark so I can avoid getting these symptoms. It'd be helpful to both me and my manager seeing as I can work a lot more efficiently when I feel at my best. I wonder if it'll do my eyes any good working in the dark looking at a PC screen, but i'd prefer to risk that over spending week after week feeling sick to my stomach.

The manager used to say "We need to clear up this office space a.s.a.p" and yet 3 weeks after moving out of said office i've never seen a single person use it for a meeting (and I sit right next to the office so i'd know). In fact they've fired half the people who work here recently so I think there's a surplus of office space.

I suppose I should just go to the GP, explain the situation and see if a letter can be written because I really can't work like this. It's not even making me anxious going into work and then feeling these symptoms. I don't even fear it, I just accept it and even then the symptoms don't lessen. It's just there for 8.5 hours a day. Feeling dizzy, light headed, nausous and getting headaches.

I feel pretty stuck in a rut to be honest.


05-03-2013, 10:12 AM
I seem to be very sensitive to light as well. Not sure if it's because of anxiety, or the fact that I'm on the computer for extended periods of time at work.

I've been stuck in quite the rut myself...

05-03-2013, 01:23 PM
Are you sure that its due to lighting and not due to staring at monitor for extended periods of time? I find that if I stare at computer screen too much I get eye strain, fatigue, nausea etc.

05-04-2013, 05:18 AM
Certainly possible, but seeing as I work on a PC 8.5 hours a day if it's that which is causing it that's going to cause a lot of problems...
