View Full Version : Anxiety & Lofepramine - Anyone else ?

07-29-2007, 07:57 AM
A bit of advice / feedback needed if possible please.

I'm mid 30's, male and have been on Escitalopram (10mg / day) for the past 4 years to help with my constant daily anxiety and also depression.
5 weeks ago I visited the doctors because my anxiety did not seem to be getting any better, and we agreed between ourselves that I should try something else - Big mistake !
I was prescribed Lofepramine (70mg twice / day - Morning and Evening). Lofepramine is also known as : Feprapax, Gamanil and Lomont. Within 2 days I started to get the following symptoms :

Increased anxiety
Shaking - ie. Literally shaking and trembling, not the internal type shaking
Freezing cold fingers and toes
The most bizzare muscle rigidity in my arms and legs (as if i'd climbed a mountain the day before)
Wobbly and heavy legs

I carried on with Lofepramine & these symptoms (which gradually increased) for 5 weeks to give it a good chance to actually do something, but nothing happened and the anxiety had become so extreme that I had no alternative than to see the doctor again. (I went through a phase 4 years ago of visiting the doctors constantly, but have learnt for the past 3 years that it simply does no good. I know i have anxiety, i have just been trying to cope with it without bothering anyone.)

2 days ago both myself and the doctor agreed that I should go back on Escitalopram, 10mg, just like I was on before with the view to upping it to 20mg in the future.

Well, as it stands now, I am a complete nervous wreck but i don't know if it's withdrawal from Lofepramine or the initial side effects from starting Escitalopram again. I'm virtually constantly shaking, uncoordinated, dropping things and the have what i would descripe as evil strength anxiety within me. I was always shy before, but now i feel like i'm going to pass out if I have to go into a shop / talk to a stranger. All this would be slightly more bearable if I had no major commitments at the moment, but I run my own business and need / have to work 6 days per week. The person that normally works for me is on holiday, so i have double the work to do no alternative.

So, there we go, my current living hell !

I was looking up the half-life of Lofepramine - It says it's just 5 hours, which apparently is not good for an abrupt withdrawal ... so with my stopping it immediately and immediately going on Escitalopram do we think this has heightened my symptoms ? ... although having said that I felt just as bad today as I did 3 days ago when still on Lofepramine - Perhaps it's just the Lofepramine that my body disagreed with.

What do we all think then, what shall i do with myself ? and where did i go wrong ? - Has anyone else switched from Lofepramine to an SSRI - What were you're side effects ?

Any replies much appreciated.

08-06-2007, 12:07 AM
I can only imagine what you must be going through and my sympathies go out to you ... i can't say i have experience with your particular line of medication (just take alprazolam, got some imipramine here too but might get a second opinion before using it) ... sounds like you're the one that needs the holiday not your partner. I can only recommend meditation twice a day for about 30 mins per day (very difficult at first but the insights you can achieve through it are remarkable if you just relax and let go) and daily, hard exercise... a hard jog listening to your favorite music on the ipod will release a lot of that built up evil energy ... you should also seek a second opinion is there an organization in the states that specializes in this line of illness??

Take some time out in nature, see the mountains ... life is for living anytime i feel screwed i repeat in my mind "enjoy, just enjoy it" .... 99% of people are good and would go out of their way to help u if you passed out, like Einstein said "Man's biggest mistake is that he believes he is alone" you're not ... good luck