View Full Version : Husband doesn't get it

05-01-2013, 12:05 AM
Lately we had a mouse in our house and I've been a wreck because it was a field mouse which can sometimes carry Hantavirus. My husband, although usually pretty supportive, seems to be really frustrated with me that I can't "get over it". He noticed that I was upset today, and I was hesitant to tell him since I knew he'd be irritated if I said it was about the mouse. I told him anyway, and he just got mad at me and said that it's all in my head. I don't know how to get through to him that this isn't something I can just choose to stop being afraid of. How do you all deal with people that just don't get it?

05-01-2013, 01:10 AM
Humans may be infected with hanta viruses through urine, saliva or contact with rodent waste products so unless you have physically touched these elements you should be safe. Most hanta viruses are not fatal and can be over come with supportive treatment so try not to worry. If your having trouble with rats or mice i would advise some prevention control such as sealing any cracks in walls, laying traps or better still getting a cat as they are natural predators to rats and mice and can make lovely pets.

05-01-2013, 02:57 AM
My husband does not understand my depression and anxiety at all. He was better when he was receiving carer support in 2011 because he met other people living with people with depression etc. Yesterday he saw my mental health nurse and agreed to get carer support again and to go on a course about helping me through my recovery. All good news for me because when he is supported he is much kinder and seems to understand better.
My doctor says that men just don't like to feel that they can't help you get through things and that you have to get help from other people other than from just them.
Through my Buddhist teaching on Monday night I made a list of my bad qualities and list of husband's good qualities, and against all his good qualities I could see how my being ill had pushed all his good qualities into arguments and me feeling he was against me, hated me etc.
So just really difficult for person living with someone with depression and we have to recognise that for their and our own sakes and try to help them as well as try and get them to help us. Difficult and terrible at times, but just something we have to get through and do all we can to help them with.