View Full Version : Article on Anxiety and Alcohol

04-30-2013, 05:57 PM
After reading a recent post about anxiety and alcohol i decided to write a article on it to hopefully deter others from self medicating with this
deadly drug.

In saying alcohol is a deadly drug for anxiety suffers, It is everywhere and we are exposed to the commercialism of it be it While watching any sort of entertainment, it might be in your favorite comedy sitcom like two and a half men or in sports like the UFC. We find ourselves constantly bewildered by different beer and liquor commercials.
Outside of television, beer and liquor Adverts are spread all over magazines. Billboards promoting a particular brand of liquor are plastered around our sports stadiums. In some country's, beer and wine are sold in grocery stores and 24-hour off licences like next to snacks and soft drinks.

I would also like to note alcohol is present in many functions such as weddings, birthday party's, BBQ'S and of course. While alcohol can be safe in small amounts to healthy individuals it can be ultimately be destructive for people who suffer from an anxiety disorder i would even go as far as to say it can hinder your progress of getting
better for years. Many anxiety suffers use alcohol as an escape from their torment. Anxiety suffers can mistake alcohol as a short term or even long term cure.

I feel the need to emphasize that although alcohol is legal it is still a DRUG and even the smallest glass of wine can alter the way your brain functions for the evening or even pertinently after chronic abuse,

In this article i would like like to define what alcohol is and what anxiety is by definition.

anxiety disorders are medically defined as

Anxiety disorders are a group of mental disturbances characterized by anxiety as a central or core symptom. Although anxiety is a commonplace experience, not everyone who experiences it has an anxiety disorder. Anxiety is associated with a wide range of physical illnesses, medication side effects, and other psychiatric disorders. The revisions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) that took place after 1980 brought major changes in the classification of the anxiety disorders. Prior to 1980, psychiatrists classified patients on the basis of a theory that defined anxiety as the outcome of unconscious conflicts in the patient's mind. DSM-III (1980), DSM-III-R (1987), and DSM-IV (1994) introduced and refined a new classification that considered recent discoveries about the biochemical and post-traumatic origins of some types of anxiety. The present definitions are based on the external and reported symptom patterns of the disorders rather than on theories about their origins. DSM-IV defines 12 types of anxiety disorders in the adult population. They can be grouped under seven headings:
Panic disorders with or without agoraphobia. The chief characteristic of panic disorder is the occurrence of panic attacks coupled with fear of their recurrence. In clinical settings, agoraphobia is usually not a disorder byitself, but is typically associated with some form of panic disorder. Patients with agoraphobia are afraid of places or situations in which they might have a panic attack and be unable to leave or to find help. About 25% of patients with panic disorder develop obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
Phobias. These include specific phobias and social phobia. A phobia is an intense irrational fear of a specific object or situation that compels the patient to avoid it. Some phobias concern activities or objects that involve some risk (for example, flying or driving) but many are focused on harmless animals or other objects. Social phobia involves a fear of being humiliated, judged, or scrutinized. It manifests itself as a fear of performing certain functions in the presence of others, such as public speaking or using public lavatories.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). This disorder is marked by unwanted, intrusive, persistent thoughts or repetitive behaviors that reflect the patient's anxiety or attempts to control it. It affects between 2-3% of the population and is much more common than was previously thought.
Stress disorders. These include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and acute stress disorder. Stress disorders are symptomatic reactions to traumatic events in the patient's life.
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). GAD is the most commonly diagnosed anxiety disorder and occurs most frequently in young adults.
Anxiety disorders due to known physical causes. These include general medical conditions or substance abuse.
Anxiety disorder not otherwise specified. This last category is not a separate type of disorder, but is included to cover symptoms that do not meet the specific DSM-IV criteria for other anxiety disorders.
All DSM-IV anxiety disorder diagnoses include a criterion of severity. The anxiety must be severe enough to interfere significantly with the patient's occupational or educational functioning, social activities or close relationships, and other customary activities.
The anxiety disorders vary widely in their frequency of occurrence in the general population, age of onset, family patterns, and gender distribution. The stress disorders and anxiety disorders caused by medical conditions or substance abuse are less age- and gender-specific. Whereas OCD affects males and females equally, GAD, panic disorder, and specific phobias all affect women more frequently than men. GAD and panic disorders are more likely to develop in young adults, while phobias and OCD can begin in childhood.

For the sake of this article i will simplify anxiety disorders to anything that causes extreme terror in the mind of a person that cause debilitation to abnormal extent which leads to a loss of quality of life. It’s hard to be able to pinpoint where exactly anxiety and panic attacks are bound to happen. The fact about anxiety disorders is that it can happen anytime, night or die, alone or in a crowd.

The definition of Alcohol is An organic compound in which the hydroxyl functional group is bound to a carbon atom. In particular, this carbon center should be saturated, having single bonds to three other atoms. After alcohol is ingested, the body converts it to sugar-based fuel. Alcohol acts as a central nervous system depressant and can often deter-ate mental illnesses Through out history Alcohol has been made by natural fermentation but in modern times alcohol is made synthetically with chemicals to keep costs low and make the product more potent, The amount of alcohol a drink contains depends on many factors: the type of yeast used, the amount and type of sugar used, and finally the temperature during the process of fermentation. It is fact that most alcoholic drinks will contain 6-8% alcohol.

I want to make it very clear that just because alcohol comes in different strengths,types and amounts that DOES NOT mean that any brands are any dangerous then one an other to anxiety sufferers.

People with anxiety drink for many different reasons to calm them down, to make them more relaxed or to even make them more social some times a few glasses of wine before bed is a way of winding down after a hard days work. Regrettably alcohol is a depressant, it depresses specific parts of the brain, including those mechanisms that would normally allow you to be ration-able we have all seen the guy that's like " What's that guy doing chatting to my wife he must be trying to hit on her i'm going to go over their and say something mike." Dispite this adverse effect alcohol may temporarily relieve anxiety for a short time. That is why many sufferers of anxiety disorders fall back to alcoholism to alleviate their anxiety and panic attacks. However, alcohol can, in turn have very drastic effects on your life as a sufferer of an anxiety disorder Alcohol as depressant can aggravate the terror of anxiety and panic. Panic attacks after alcohol has wore off are very common among-st sufferers. Alcohol will heighten negative sensations through having shut down parts of the mind from the night before because of this, people with anxiety disorders will become worse than before they started drinking alcohol.

04-30-2013, 05:58 PM
Anxiety suffers can suffer significant dangers in drinking alcohol in other ways. The depressant effects of alcohol can prompt those who aren't able to cope with their feelings of anxiety to contemplate suicide. It is important this disent have to happen while you are drunk it could happen the next day as alcohol will be present still in your blood and their for still effecting your mind. It’s feelings like this that make people feel in emotional agony. It may not come as a shock to you that a high number of suicide victims are those that suffer from anxiety and had a large quantity of alcohol the night before.

i read an interesting report and would like to copy a quote from it "A people who suffer from anxiety are likely to self-treat their anxiety with alcohol and will start to become dependent on this form of pseudo-medication" This means if you buy alcohol to temporarily escape your anxiety, then you are basically buying a prescription—a large dosage prescription without doctor authorization that could prove harmful even fatal.

I would now like to present some interesting facts about alcohol and anxiety.
1.Alcohol is the most widely consumed drug in the world, and is quite frankly, the highest abused drug amongst sufferers of anxiety disorder
2.Close to 8 out of 10 adults aorund the world start drinking alcohol in their early teens regardless of the law in the designated country. One out of four of them struggle with anxiety.
3. In every ten people who commit suicide due to an anxiety disorder, it is fact that one of them had been drunk the night before.
Of that percentage, a quarter of them had signed up to anxiety forums such as this one .
4.More than half of all people who are admitted to rehab centers for alcohol abuse are diagnosed with clinical depression. A third of those are have been clinically diagnosed to be suffering from anxiety disorder as well.
5.Medical research has shown that people with anxiety disorders have a significantly higher chance to suffer from mental deterioration due to alcohol
6. Further research also shows that sufferers of anxiety disorder have a higher tendency for binge drink.
What do you think about alcohol? Will this article make you think before that big night up the town or them two classes of wine before bed?

04-30-2013, 06:46 PM
Thank you for the article. Excellent!!!!!!!!

I can tell you from experience that alcohol and anxiety is a quick spiral down to hell I am an alcoholic, with many years of sobriety. Before I knew that I had true aanxiety, I would self medicate with this drug on the weekends and sometimes during the workweek. I thought that it gave me relief from how I was feeling. It did temporarily. Very temporarily till the orning when I had to pay the piper. And his fee was huge! Waking up from passing out not getting a good restorative sleep even, I felt way worse witH the anxiety then ever. I made it to work, how I don't know but my work was terrible. Of course cause by then I was getting anxiety attacks at work breaking down in tears it was so bad an was so embaRrassed! I tell you, suicide was always on my mind then. To make a long story short.

I sought help for my addiction through ALcohlics Annonymous. And found a new and better life. At that time even my anxiety went away completely for months at a time doing there programme.

It came back when I huet my back years later. I have recently gone back to the programme and am seeing my new p-therapist tomorrow. Also learninG some new techniques to help with anxiety.

So I truly urge anyone that is relying on booze to seek out AA. Please do yourself a big favoUr. Give yourself that gift. Write on this thread or send me a private mssg. I am grateful to help anyone who thinks they may have a drinking problem. And remember that to is a disorder as anxiety and panic is ! Hey its even in vogue to be in AA nowadays ;)

05-01-2013, 12:55 AM
Thanks for you comment it took a long time to write and was my first ever article I've wrote for this forum. I am glad you managed to eliminate your alcoholism from your life moonstone that in it self is and achievement. Your new p-therapist should help out with your anxiety flaring back up again just take what you need from them and implement it into things you already do. Anyone else reading this post self medicating with alcohol just as moonstone did, click on his profile and send him a private message moonstone won't bite he will be glad to help you.

05-01-2013, 09:55 AM
After reading a recent post about anxiety and alcohol i decided to write a article on it to hopefully deter others from self medicating with this
deadly drug.

In saying alcohol is a deadly drug for anxiety suffers, It is everywhere and we are exposed to the commercialism of it be it While watching any sort of entertainment, it might be in your favorite comedy sitcom like two and a half men or in sports like the UFC. We find ourselves constantly bewildered by different beer and liquor commercials.
Outside of television, beer and liquor Adverts are spread all over magazines. Billboards promoting a particular brand of liquor are plastered around our sports stadiums. In some country's, beer and wine are sold in grocery stores and 24-hour off licences like next to snacks and soft drinks.

I would also like to note alcohol is present in many functions such as weddings, birthday party's, BBQ'S and of course. While alcohol can be safe in small amounts to healthy individuals it can be ultimately be destructive for people who suffer from an anxiety disorder i would even go as far as to say it can hinder your progress of getting
better for years. Many anxiety suffers use alcohol as an escape from their torment. Anxiety suffers can mistake alcohol as a short term or even long term cure.

I feel the need to emphasize that although alcohol is legal it is still a DRUG and even the smallest glass of wine can alter the way your brain functions for the evening or even pertinently after chronic abuse,

In this article i would like like to define what alcohol is and what anxiety is by definition.

anxiety disorders are medically defined as

Anxiety disorders are a group of mental disturbances characterized by anxiety as a central or core symptom. Although anxiety is a commonplace experience, not everyone who experiences it has an anxiety disorder. Anxiety is associated with a wide range of physical illnesses, medication side effects, and other psychiatric disorders. The revisions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) that took place after 1980 brought major changes in the classification of the anxiety disorders. Prior to 1980, psychiatrists classified patients on the basis of a theory that defined anxiety as the outcome of unconscious conflicts in the patient's mind. DSM-III (1980), DSM-III-R (1987), and DSM-IV (1994) introduced and refined a new classification that considered recent discoveries about the biochemical and post-traumatic origins of some types of anxiety. The present definitions are based on the external and reported symptom patterns of the disorders rather than on theories about their origins. DSM-IV defines 12 types of anxiety disorders in the adult population. They can be grouped under seven headings:
Panic disorders with or without agoraphobia. The chief characteristic of panic disorder is the occurrence of panic attacks coupled with fear of their recurrence. In clinical settings, agoraphobia is usually not a disorder byitself, but is typically associated with some form of panic disorder. Patients with agoraphobia are afraid of places or situations in which they might have a panic attack and be unable to leave or to find help. About 25% of patients with panic disorder develop obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
Phobias. These include specific phobias and social phobia. A phobia is an intense irrational fear of a specific object or situation that compels the patient to avoid it. Some phobias concern activities or objects that involve some risk (for example, flying or driving) but many are focused on harmless animals or other objects. Social phobia involves a fear of being humiliated, judged, or scrutinized. It manifests itself as a fear of performing certain functions in the presence of others, such as public speaking or using public lavatories.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). This disorder is marked by unwanted, intrusive, persistent thoughts or repetitive behaviors that reflect the patient's anxiety or attempts to control it. It affects between 2-3% of the population and is much more common than was previously thought.
Stress disorders. These include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and acute stress disorder. Stress disorders are symptomatic reactions to traumatic events in the patient's life.
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). GAD is the most commonly diagnosed anxiety disorder and occurs most frequently in young adults.
Anxiety disorders due to known physical causes. These include general medical conditions or substance abuse.
Anxiety disorder not otherwise specified. This last category is not a separate type of disorder, but is included to cover symptoms that do not meet the specific DSM-IV criteria for other anxiety disorders.
All DSM-IV anxiety disorder diagnoses include a criterion of severity. The anxiety must be severe enough to interfere significantly with the patient's occupational or educational functioning, social activities or close relationships, and other customary activities.
The anxiety disorders vary widely in their frequency of occurrence in the general population, age of onset, family patterns, and gender distribution. The stress disorders and anxiety disorders caused by medical conditions or substance abuse are less age- and gender-specific. Whereas OCD affects males and females equally, GAD, panic disorder, and specific phobias all affect women more frequently than men. GAD and panic disorders are more likely to develop in young adults, while phobias and OCD can begin in childhood.

For the sake of this article i will simplify anxiety disorders to anything that causes extreme terror in the mind of a person that cause debilitation to abnormal extent which leads to a loss of quality of life. It’s hard to be able to pinpoint where exactly anxiety and panic attacks are bound to happen. The fact about anxiety disorders is that it can happen anytime, night or die, alone or in a crowd.

The definition of Alcohol is An organic compound in which the hydroxyl functional group is bound to a carbon atom. In particular, this carbon center should be saturated, having single bonds to three other atoms. After alcohol is ingested, the body converts it to sugar-based fuel. Alcohol acts as a central nervous system depressant and can often deter-ate mental illnesses Through out history Alcohol has been made by natural fermentation but in modern times alcohol is made synthetically with chemicals to keep costs low and make the product more potent, The amount of alcohol a drink contains depends on many factors: the type of yeast used, the amount and type of sugar used, and finally the temperature during the process of fermentation. It is fact that most alcoholic drinks will contain 6-8% alcohol.

I want to make it very clear that just because alcohol comes in different strengths,types and amounts that DOES NOT mean that any brands are any dangerous then one an other to anxiety sufferers.

People with anxiety drink for many different reasons to calm them down, to make them more relaxed or to even make them more social some times a few glasses of wine before bed is a way of winding down after a hard days work. Regrettably alcohol is a depressant, it depresses specific parts of the brain, including those mechanisms that would normally allow you to be ration-able we have all seen the guy that's like " What's that guy doing chatting to my wife he must be trying to hit on her i'm going to go over their and say something mike." Dispite this adverse effect alcohol may temporarily relieve anxiety for a short time. That is why many sufferers of anxiety disorders fall back to alcoholism to alleviate their anxiety and panic attacks. However, alcohol can, in turn have very drastic effects on your life as a sufferer of an anxiety disorder Alcohol as depressant can aggravate the terror of anxiety and panic. Panic attacks after alcohol has wore off are very common among-st sufferers. Alcohol will heighten negative sensations through having shut down parts of the mind from the night before because of this, people with anxiety disorders will become worse than before they started drinking alcohol.

Wow..... Sum good info ... Yeah , like anytink in life .. Prob to much is not gd ... And even tho it helps at the time it can cause many other problrms.
I personally dnt drink as dnt like it that much , think the most i have is prob baileys or Malibu at Christmas .... But this is a really gd article !

05-02-2013, 03:33 PM
Thanks for you comment it took a long time to write and was my first ever article I've wrote for this forum. I am glad you managed to eliminate your alcoholism from your life moonstone that in it self is and achievement. Your new p-therapist should help out with your anxiety flaring back up again just take what you need from them and implement it into things you already do. Anyone else reading this post self medicating with alcohol just as moonstone did, click on his profile and send him a private message moonstone won't bite he will be glad to help you.

Thank you MMA :)

It doesn't really matter but I am a she. LOL :)

U R right, I won't bite nor will I judge how can I? Been there and even tho I am having some anxiety issues, Life is so much better today then when I had anxiety AND drinking. Like its been said booze gives a moment a small moment of relief, it then really bights ya hard in the arse after and for much longer too. Its kinda like and abusive partner, they are sweet for a moment then BAM, the abuse starts all over again...kick that " aboozer" to the curb!
You'll be glad ya did :)

Again MMA, thanks for that well thought out article and for the time it took to write! You could very well have saved a life :). Bravo to you

With much respect,
Moonstone X