View Full Version : Just been prescibed Flouxetine along with Proponolol

04-30-2013, 07:23 AM
I recently completed my 3 month course of CBT...and got worse (anyone heard of this after CBT making u worse not better?) - in the last month, my anxiety seems to have gone from social to general - everything seems to make me anxious these days...plus i had run out of proponol so i guess that wasnt helping it! I finally went to Dr's on friday and he has has prescribed me new tabs of proponol..and Flouxetine - 20mg. SO i am to take proponol twice a day and flouxetine once a day. started on saturday and not noticed any effects yet but i know it takes time to build up - i have never been on any anti depressant medicines before so was a bit sceptical but I am going to stick with it as the Dr says it will help the anxiety...here's hoping!!

also does anyone notice any side effects with flouxetine as i dont know if its too early as i have only been on it 4 days but i noticed i have been having heart palpitations and anxiety was slightly increased this morning...i read that it gets worse before it gets better - is that true?

thanks for reading.


04-30-2013, 07:39 AM
I hear some people will get a little anxious when they start on a SSRI but I think a lot of that is they are nervous and afraid to take medications for fear of side effects.

So you find yourself scanning your body of symptoms. I know I used to do that all the time.

Give the meds a few weeks . It seems like an eternity but it will pass quickly.

04-30-2013, 10:05 AM
Sure ssri's can cause a temp bump in anxiety but I'm on prozac have done without and feel better on it. Give it a long and fair trial IMHO. Alankay

04-30-2013, 10:48 AM
Prozac here, too, and yes, I had bad side affects in the beginning but fortunately my doc had warned me that it would happen and urged me to "ride it out" because it would all be worth it. I think I went through every side effect ever reported (even though when I was starting Prozac we didn't even have internet so I didn't know it at the time).

Give yourself a pep talk that you will give the medication a full two months before you decide if it's working or not. You've taken the plunge - follow it through. I'm betting you will be glad you did.

04-30-2013, 02:38 PM
thanks for the responses. I'm definitely sticking with it...i need to...i've suffered too long and now its at the stage where its affecting everything and i just want to be able to feel normal! so if it helps, i'm all for it. He has prescribed a month supply only then I need to go back for a check up to see how i've got on with them...and if it works, I will be prescribed more :) will keep u all updated x

05-15-2013, 05:51 AM
just a wee update. been on this medication 2 1/2 weeks now and I have noticed one side effect with flouxetine, i keep clenching my jaw constantly and it gets really sore - also constantly yawning. looked both these up and both are known side effects. Apart from that, the anxiety isn't worse (last week it was awful..i'm surprised i made it out the house) or better...bu i know it takes time to build up in the system as said previously.