View Full Version : 5 htp

04-28-2013, 01:02 PM
Who has used it? Thinking about taking it for a month and seeing the effects. Maybe it could provide me some benefits. :) For anyone who has used it what do you recommend I take it with? Some people say to take it with l tyrosine because to much of one transmitters depletes the other. Some people say to take it with Vitamin B...im clueless! ahhh! Also what kind of benefits have you seen?!

04-28-2013, 01:22 PM
I've heard take it with magnisum

04-28-2013, 02:02 PM
I've heard take it with magnisum

I have a stack of supplements I take daily, just to prevent any onset anxiety should life throw some suprises my way. 5HTP is one. I like it a lot. The idea of encouraging seretonin production, rather than forcing it, interests me. I take it as PricessKJ said, with magnesium, and also with L-Theanine. I like the effects. It's worth the money for me. I do believe it's a 50/50 supp though. For some it will work really well, others may feel nothing from it.

I say to others when they ask me, if you have a few extra dollars spare, give it a try. The effects are subtle usally, so if you need big changes, perhaps you won't find it here, but if you need a boost, this can be just the thing to kick start you in life. A good supplement for those recently off medication too.

04-28-2013, 02:06 PM
I've been thinking about taking them. ;)

04-28-2013, 02:26 PM
I took it a couple of years ago. I wont lie and say it completely got rid of my symptoms. It did help and is a natural way too go. However, my Doctor told me not to use it and put me on Zoloft after I complained about the symptoms of Lexapro (why I went on 5HTP). I have a different Dr now and am weening of off Zolfot went from 100 down to 50 now and plan to keep going. I will probably pick back up taking 5HTP.