View Full Version : Worry about People

04-27-2013, 12:47 AM
With my depression I am worse than ever about being liked and offending people.
If I try to stand up for something I think is right I then worry and worry that I have offended someone and the worry just goes round and round in my head.
I worry if someone doesn't answer me in case I have offended them and I re-run conversations or read texts and e-mail over and over to see if I have done something wrong.
I am usually someone who wants people to like and i hate offending people or confrontation even if I think I am right, but when depressed and anxious the worry of it can take up whole days in my head and I can't rest until I think it is sorted.
If I can't get something sorted in my head and feel OK about what has happened I never get over it and it lurks in the back of my head and comes out and hurts me all over again and the worry starts again.

04-27-2013, 01:26 AM
Im the same, and if it helps you at all I can say in all honesty iv nt seen u post anyfin that I find offensive.

04-27-2013, 01:28 AM
Yeah .. I'm like that even with friends... Silly really wen I think bowt it .. I stress over nufink...