View Full Version : Fear of failing...again.

04-25-2013, 03:18 PM
I'm paralyzed by own fear...to do anything. I don't want to go outside, to get the mail, to go grocery shopping....

This happens every so often and I can usually force myself out of it when I can't run away from things anymore and things have built up to a point where my husband starts giving me 'the look'

But right now, its like, I don't care....

I start to panic every time I try to start something....then pace and freak out.

I have failed so much in my life; it's like it's coming to head and I'm afraid of attempting anything...just because I can't face failing all over again.

04-25-2013, 04:06 PM
Oh my dear I know the feeling all to well. I get periods when I get agraphobic and am afraid of going out, doing something afraid of failing, once again uugghhhh, I do so know what you are speaking about.

What I think is that perhaps we have a problem with perspective. When our ''Emotions have the flu" we might think only of the negative. LiKe only our failures and our accomplishments get but under wraps.

What I have just begun doing, in my journal is after I do some Deep slow breaths, is think about the good things I have done, my accomplishments anything positive. It is a running list. We need to charish and honour ourselves, I am beginning to learn how to do that and what it means to me. It is helping

Another tool I am practising is a Gratitude List. I write everything I can think of in five minutes, that I am gratful for. Even like a warm dry home to live in when it is bad weather outside. Silly things even like - I have make-up that I really like :)

These are somethings I am now doing to shift my perspective. Also when panic strikes I tEll myself that I am safe.

I hope these small things may help you a bit even :)