View Full Version : Anxiety and I

04-25-2013, 12:36 AM
Well I'm almost 6 months in. Been doing a lot of supplementation. B vitamins, magnesium and herbals teas. I feel a lot better than those 2-3 months I started having this anxiety disorder. I almost feel like my old self again. I'm not going to lie, sometimes I do feel discouraged because of returning symptoms and stuff. I had a numbing sensation on the left side of my face that went away a couple of weeks ago and I was so relieved . Now it came back. Along with me seeing some lines of light in the peripherals of my vision. It's only happened twice. Once two mornings ago and once earlier tonight. I haven't had this symptom before.I keep pushing on though. I really hope this is going away and going away soon. I'll keep doing what I've been doing to try to get better. I don't take meds for this. Just trying to get by naturally. With healthy foods and positive thinking. The positivity has been easier to come by now that the internal fear I used to feel has left me. All I've got left to beat are the symptoms. I'll keep trying

04-25-2013, 08:05 AM
Wow good job Alfred seems like your taking a grip of your anxiety problem. I'm sure you will overcome the symptoms in time. Congrats on doing things naturally i think we would all do that if we could. I'm glad your starting to find your old self again keep us all updated on your progress.

04-25-2013, 08:33 AM
Alfred that's good news. Any step forward should be celebrated.

Just a thought. Don't put too much pressure on it "going away". Understanding your brain is sensitively wired for these feelings right now is important.

20 years into this I still get the occasional symptom

The symptom of anxiety isn't important. Your reaction to it holds the key to your success

Keep moving forward and look at any setback as a learning experience on how you will handle it differently next time.

04-25-2013, 10:22 AM
Thanks guys. Will definitely let you guys know how i progress

04-29-2013, 11:29 PM
So it's been 5 days. When I started this thread a couple days ago my anxiety was dragging me down. Out of feeling 100% I'd say I was at a 65-70. I've gone to work, gone to work out at the gym, played basketball and tried staying positive. It seemed like each day I was feeling a little bit better. Today I actually feel pretty decent. I'd say I'm at a 95% right now. I know my anxiety is still there and may come back a bit in a day or so but I'll keep staying positive. Hopefully this is the end of living with anxiety like I had been

04-30-2013, 02:20 AM
I have tried to get over depression with and without meds, and I have tried alternatives like reflexology, essential oils and meditation. I would try whatever you can access, afford and believe in to get yourself some head rest and peace and help symptoms stop again.

04-30-2013, 03:32 AM
Again great news

Keep moving forward.

Wise to know you may feel a symptom lurk back in. I think that can be the hardest thing. When you feel better and expect that you are cured a d a symptom creeps back.

Easy to get real upset

Just a symptom. No big deal.

04-30-2013, 09:53 AM
Again great news

Keep moving forward.

Wise to know you may feel a symptom lurk back in. I think that can be the hardest thing. When you feel better and expect that you are cured a d a symptom creeps back.

Easy to get real upset

Just a symptom. No big deal.

I LOVE that matter-of-fact, "no big deal" attitude! I am trying to adopt that lately and it really, really makes a big difference. I think the issue that will cause me a challenge is when I get the chronic anxiety under control and then get a sudden "out of the blue" panic attack. That always knocks me for a loop and sets me back a bit and those are the ones that are hard to just "say "big deal" to. I hate even putting this in writing but it almost seems like it's better to have them regularly enough to practice than to be free of them and get hit with a whammy. But no, I am NOT wishing that upon myself (do you hear that, anxiety Gods?)

04-30-2013, 10:03 AM
I LOVE that matter-of-fact, "no big deal" attitude! I am trying to adopt that lately and it really, really makes a big difference. I think the issue that will cause me a challenge is when I get the chronic anxiety under control and then get a sudden "out of the blue" panic attack. That always knocks me for a loop and sets me back a bit and those are the ones that are hard to just "say "big deal" to. I hate even putting this in writing but it almost seems like it's better to have them regularly enough to practice than to be free of them and get hit with a whammy. But no, I am NOT wishing that upon myself (do you hear that, anxiety Gods?)

You should wish it on yourself Sue.

I did everything I could to start bringing panic attacks on

Not to see if I could so something and not panic, but to be there and have a doozy of an attack to see I can have them anywhere and it just is uncomfortable.

Got to a point when I would feel the adrenaline start from an oncoming attack, I didn't react and it just stops.

If you don't get afraid of the adrenaline rush for fear of something real dangerous is happening, your fight or flight response doesn't kick in

Panic attacks just stop

I still get the rush a few times a week. I don't have a reaction to give to it because I've seen how this story ends

Me just moving on and Anxiety boo hooing because I won't get afraid of it

Anxiety is a dick.

04-30-2013, 10:43 AM
You should wish it on yourself Sue.

I did everything I could to start bringing panic attacks on

Not to see if I could so something and not panic, but to be there and have a doozy of an attack to see I can have them anywhere and it just is uncomfortable.

Got to a point when I would feel the adrenaline start from an oncoming attack, I didn't react and it just stops.

If you don't get afraid of the adrenaline rush for fear of something real dangerous is happening, your fight or flight response doesn't kick in

Panic attacks just stop

I still get the rush a few times a week. I don't have a reaction to give to it because I've seen how this story ends

Me just moving on and Anxiety boo hooing because I won't get afraid of it

Anxiety is a dick.

Well? You may be right about wishing them upon myself. As I told myself a few days ago, you have been fighting this anxiety demon for 40 years. What's the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results? Trying to avoid panic-inducing places or events and trying very hard NOT to have a panic attack hasn't worked unless I keep myself totally sedated. Thanks to you and PanicCured I am seeing that it doesn't deserve all the attention I've given it and that it doesn't have to be life-altering... just a mere bump in the road and only if I keep giving it the power to create the bump. I have run into a few situations in the past 48 hours that I would NORMALLY avoid but instead have forged ahead and thought "So what if I have an attack - I won't die and I'm really good at not letting anyone else notice so go for it." Yes, the adrenaline surged through my veins and I got a little dizzy and wanted to run away, but I was able to complete my task. Next time, maybe less adrenaline and less urge to run.

I may have discovered something else (half kidding, half serious here) ..... a lot of the people that I have thought caused anxiety in me may simply be people who bore me or annoy me to tears. Just because I feel an "Oh no!" reaction when I see them coming towards me doesn't mean I'm going to have a panic attack, it means I'm about to lose a few minutes of my life I can't get back. Is there a pill for that? :)

04-30-2013, 10:49 AM
Your post made my day. So good to hear people saying F You to anxiety. I fought for more than 15 years until I finally just changed what I was doing.

Glad to see you are on the path to healing versus coping.

05-01-2013, 10:59 AM
I am trying what everyone has said. I forced myself to eat and I am going to church tonight as well as taking my girls to dance.

05-01-2013, 11:26 AM
I am trying what everyone has said. I forced myself to eat and I am going to church tonight as well as taking my girls to dance.

Well done, it is hard to push yourself, but hopefully your sense of achievement afterwards will help you feel better, and give you courage to try something more tomorrow. As long as you try each day you can do no more, even though it is so hard.

05-03-2013, 04:06 AM
Well, I went to see iron man and I just got home. I sensed I was starting to feel strange again. Kind of the way I start to feel when I suspect a panic attack coming on but it never came. At one point I was certain it was about to come but I tried to accept the feeling and the attack never came. I was quite uncomfortable most of time . Right now I feel just a bit edgy. Enough to make me uncomfortable. I know I've been making progress and I don't want this to be a set back. The edgyness seems to be subsiding now that I'm in bed. Well I'm going to try to sleep this one through.

05-07-2013, 04:58 PM
Well the progress is still going strong. Today I woke up And got out of bed with no anxious feeling. I usually have an anxious feeling in the mornings and today there was nothing. Right now I feel fine! This whole week my anxiety has pretty much been kept at bay and each day it's seemed to be diminishing. I'm not stopping here. I just got back from the gym and I feel pretty fine. My overall wellness I'd say is at about a 93% I hope this keeps getting better