View Full Version : What are your views on Anti-depressants

04-23-2013, 04:08 PM
Hey guys

I'm curious to know how many of y'all take anti depressants and do you believe that it is truly helping you?
I was put in Zoloft about a year ago because of an abusive relationship and I took it for 6 months. To me I feel like it made me happy but I felt like I was not myself. If I wanted to cry I couldn't, if I wanted to "feel" something other than happy i couldn't. Life isn't just about being happy like for example during my Zoloft period my grandmother passed away, I was sad but I hardly cried. I AM an emotional person but I felt like it was taking over my thoughts.
Anyways, I'm just curious to see how medication helped your life :)
I am a pharmacy student so I'm super interested in this stuff lol!
Hope you guys are having a fantastic day :)

04-23-2013, 05:01 PM
Hey guys

I'm curious to know how many of y'all take anti depressants and do you believe that it is truly helping you?
I was put in Zoloft about a year ago because of an abusive relationship and I took it for 6 months. To me I feel like it made me happy but I felt like I was not myself. If I wanted to cry I couldn't, if I wanted to "feel" something other than happy i couldn't. Life isn't just about being happy like for example during my Zoloft period my grandmother passed away, I was sad but I hardly cried. I AM an emotional person but I felt like it was taking over my thoughts.
Anyways, I'm just curious to see how medication helped your life :)
I am a pharmacy student so I'm super interested in this stuff lol!
Hope you guys are having a fantastic day :)

I have been on Paxil & currently on Prozac. When I was on Paxil I felt really good, I definitely feel it helped me overcome the hurdles, as I eventually went off it and used cbt daily. I am now on Prozac and I feel it's starting to work in a similar way.. I started on a low dose of 10mg and I think it wasn't enough so I have just upped to 20mg.

With both medications I have still felt like myself, still emotional (lol), I feel the both have helped in getting me to a place where I can figure everything out and move forward without them. In the moment though when I am stuck I do rely on the meds to help snap me back.

04-23-2013, 05:44 PM
I think for most it's worth a try and often helpful. I don't feel any different "as a person". I just seem to worry less which lessens anxiety over time Alankay

04-24-2013, 03:07 AM
Zoloft helped a lot for my panic attacks but I did not notice any improvements in my mood.