View Full Version : Poss pregnant

04-23-2013, 03:51 PM
Can I have some advice please. I am so worried as I may be pregnant and because of my anxiety I'm scared its going to make it all worse! I suffered from a miscarriage back in Jan and was told this may have been due to my bad anxiety problems. I'm worried I'm going to have more anxiety and freak out when it comes to labour. I have a 2 year old as well and sometimes struggle with him :( my partner really wants a baby and I do deep down I just want to be in a for state before though.

04-23-2013, 04:56 PM
Can I have some advice please. I am so worried as I may be pregnant and because of my anxiety I'm scared its going to make it all worse! I suffered from a miscarriage back in Jan and was told this may have been due to my bad anxiety problems. I'm worried I'm going to have more anxiety and freak out when it comes to labour. I have a 2 year old as well and sometimes struggle with him :( my partner really wants a baby and I do deep down I just want to be in a for state before though.

I am right there with you, I was pregnant with my first and miscarried on April 8. My anxiety was awful, the early pregnancy symptoms I had (without knowing) made me feel my anxiety & panic were back with a vengeance. We will be trying again in the next month, but I am fearful of the early symptoms of my body adjusting. Being so intune is not helpful for this situation. I would say you are a step ahead of me though, you have already been through it, I know not all pregnancies are the same, but I would feel better knowing I did it once before! What are your main anxieties?

04-24-2013, 01:52 AM
I panic when being left alone and when I get an anxiety attack I start getting chest pains and I get loads of palps which doesn't help and pains in my neck and arms. It's awful. I'm terrified being pregnant will make this worse so I'm kind of hoping I'm not pregnant to scared to test!

04-24-2013, 10:21 AM
Hey Hun, maybe taking a test will put your mind at ease ;)