View Full Version : hyperthyroidism

04-23-2013, 11:07 AM
Does anyone have hyperthyroidism?

If so, could it act like major anxiety?

04-23-2013, 12:21 PM
Yes, and yes.
I was first diagnosed with Graves Disease about 6 years ago. (I'm sure I was suffering with it for years before that, but as you know, you don't start getting treatment until the lab results show that you're sick). I was already on Prozac for panic attacks and didn't really notice an increase in anxiety and fortunately the beta blockers and Tapazole got my thyroid symptoms under control pretty quickly. After a few years on medication I even went into remission.

Unfortunately the remission ended a few months ago and I'm again going for the monthly bloodwork, adjusting the thyroid meds, etc. And for some reason, this time the ANXIETY is the worst symptom. I have been an agitated, hyper, about-to-crack lunatic for months now and even though that has started to subside, my panic attacks are back. Those aren't going to go away just because my thyroid is near normal range again.... the attacks are a separate problem to conquer.

Yes, on the Graves Disease forums, anxiety is listed as one of the first symptoms. Great, huh?

04-23-2013, 01:02 PM
graves disease here to, it would come and go. i havent tested out of normal range for a few years. im sure it could cause anxiety/depression. i remember being too tired to do anything.. good luck.

04-23-2013, 03:20 PM
Yup, as posted above...

When I initially went to the doctors for my anxiety like symptoms, he specifically had the thyroid panel included in the blood work. Came back normal for me though...

04-23-2013, 06:20 PM
Since aug I have lost about 30 lbs

04-23-2013, 08:41 PM
Have you been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism or are you trying to figure out if that's what's causing your anxiety and weight loss? Are you losing hair? Is your resting heart rate fast? Do you feel hot all the time even when others are chilly? Muscle weakness? Tremors?


04-23-2013, 08:56 PM
Heart beat is fast, no hair loss, I'm chilly when others are hot, some muscle weakness

04-23-2013, 08:59 PM
I do have nausea and vomit sometimes

04-23-2013, 09:07 PM
I really and truly believe that my anxiety is a product of hyperthyroidism. My TSH is 0.91, which is on the lower end of normal and I have the whole range of symptoms including palpitations, constant feelings of anxiousness, hair loss, restless sleep. I've also lost forty pounds since this anxiety started for me back in December. I've really been trying to convince doctors to treat me for hyperthyroidism, but it's in the normal range so I've had trouble finding a doctor who agrees that it could be responsible for my symptoms. I definitely think it's a good idea for anyone with anxiety to check their thyroid levels when their anxiety is really bad. You never know. Doctors are the experts in their profession, but we are the experts of our body.

04-23-2013, 09:10 PM
I'm going to the doc on mon and I'm going to tell him to check mine