View Full Version : Noise around the room. Clicking,popping, cracking etc. HELP!

04-15-2013, 10:55 AM
A few days ago I was awakened around 3 am. by noise of something moving in my bachelor apartment. Turned out to be a palmetto bug (huge roach). Not a pleasant thing. I am not crazy afraid of them, like I am not screaming or anything, but if it's in your room running around doesn't feel good, wouldn't you agree?
So my heart raced and in the cold apartment I felt immediately really hot and my palms became sweaty. SO long story short, I got rid of the "animal":). BUT
now 4 days later I have a problem sleeping and not every little sound of cracking or popping or what not awakens me, makes me shaky and very uneasy.
I really haven't had anything like this before.
I am living in this bachelor apartment for 2 years now and it didn't happen before.
Because it is a bachelor I have fridge and kitchen stuff all in one room so some packets or packaged with let's say pasta or flakes makes sounds, you know, like popping or cracking makes me uneasy thinking something is there behind the shelves.
Floor in the old building also is settling or moving with noise.

I am not anxious about loud noises or neighbors or keys or when they close/open the door all of which are very loud, and I am OK with that.
But noises around my room make me very very very uneasy. Especially at night when it is quiet and those sounds basically any sounds that I can't immediately see the source of make me shaky. I try to listen to noise if they are going to repeat and then I need to get up and find out where they are coming from.
It's crazy and I feel like a crazy person.
I am trying to calm myself and taking calming vitamins and drinking green tea.
This is something that never happened to me before even living at the same place I am sure those sounds were there before, but only a few days ago I was really noticing them. I can't really concentrate on anything I am doing because subconsciously I am listening to strange sounds.

I can't go to doctor or therapist right now.
Can anyone relate and of yes how do you cope with it.
I am really hoping it will go away soon.
But the stress that it gives me makes me very tired and sad and uneasy, I am left feeling like I am going crazy...

Thank you in advance.

04-15-2013, 10:59 AM
my suggestion is to put on background noise to fall asleep, or play the radio very low. maybe a sleep aid may help? I have taken a few herbal night night teas and they work great!

04-15-2013, 11:36 AM
A few days ago I was awakened around 3 am. by noise of something moving in my bachelor apartment. Turned out to be a palmetto bug (huge roach). Not a pleasant thing. I am not crazy afraid of them, like I am not screaming or anything, but if it's in your room running around doesn't feel good, wouldn't you agree?
So my heart raced and in the cold apartment I felt immediately really hot and my palms became sweaty. SO long story short, I got rid of the "animal":). BUT
now 4 days later I have a problem sleeping and not every little sound of cracking or popping or what not awakens me, makes me shaky and very uneasy.
I really haven't had anything like this before.
I am living in this bachelor apartment for 2 years now and it didn't happen before.
Because it is a bachelor I have fridge and kitchen stuff all in one room so some packets or packaged with let's say pasta or flakes makes sounds, you know, like popping or cracking makes me uneasy thinking something is there behind the shelves.
Floor in the old building also is settling or moving with noise.

I am not anxious about loud noises or neighbors or keys or when they close/open the door all of which are very loud, and I am OK with that.
But noises around my room make me very very very uneasy. Especially at night when it is quiet and those sounds basically any sounds that I can't immediately see the source of make me shaky. I try to listen to noise if they are going to repeat and then I need to get up and find out where they are coming from.
It's crazy and I feel like a crazy person.
I am trying to calm myself and taking calming vitamins and drinking green tea.
This is something that never happened to me before even living at the same place I am sure those sounds were there before, but only a few days ago I was really noticing them. I can't really concentrate on anything I am doing because subconsciously I am listening to strange sounds.

I can't go to doctor or therapist right now.
Can anyone relate and of yes how do you cope with it.
I am really hoping it will go away soon.
But the stress that it gives me makes me very tired and sad and uneasy, I am left feeling like I am going crazy...

Thank you in advance.

I hate those bugs! We had them in my house really bad last summer. And I know exactly what noise they make, that's how I knew they were in the living room sometimes even when I couldn't find them right away. Eww they are creepy.

As for the noise thing. I do this too. When I hear something I have to immediately check where it came from or what it was. I get that physical response sometimes too. It's hard to explain because I'm not paranoid about it, but it does scare me sometimes. I will think "what if" someone was behind me or in my house or "what if" I'm hearing things. So I can relate. I also have a TERRIBLE fear of going crazy so this really adds to my stress. I do understand what your say experiencing though.

04-16-2013, 10:23 PM
Thank you for your suggestions and replies. It is very encouraging and helpful. I am really trying my best to return to the "normal self" again. This never has happened to me before. I actually have physical/ health issues because of that. Headaches, muscle aches, blurred vision, little hallucinations from time to time (seems like something is moving when it doesn't), huge hair loss and weight gain, I have a very strong stomach ache and all the other "fun" stuff connected with digestive system, if you know what I mean; I can't really concentrate much on anything, always distracting, and have mood swings, usually feeling low. Feeling unsafe, extra cautious, very shaky and depressed. I am usually very active and ambitious. I am a musician and now making music doesn't bring me much joy the way it used to be. I lost the feeling of excitement about little things...I feel like I don't really want anything and it's so not me so NOT ME!!!

All of that in a matter of a few days ( just this past week). I am getting better, but still not where I want to be. It is new and very strange and somewhat scary experience for me.

04-17-2013, 12:03 AM
I really do understand how you feel so I'm not trying to be funny, but what you need to start with is some boric acid(cheap & kills roaches) & a fan to block out little sounds.