View Full Version : First severe panic attack in a while.

04-14-2013, 08:43 PM
Still relatively new to the forums but I thought I would share my recent episode. I have had anxiety issues for several years now, and every once in a while I have a full blown anxiety/panic attack and similar to the few other times it has lead to the ER as it did on this occasion. I can usually calm myself down with the help of others or just by reassuring myself that I know it is not my heart, getting up walking around and washing my face with cold water but I have been over stressed recently and I think it finally got the better of me. I currently am prescribed Xanax 1mg x3 daily for my GAD and Nexium 40mg for my gerd which I have been taking for going on three years now, back on topic :x for the the past few weeks I have been taking care of my mum and dads house and the pets while they went back to visit England for the first time in years and also taking care of bills and whatnot while worrying myself when will I get back to work and I could feel it building up inside as I have been constantly fatigued, having trouble sleeping or staying asleep and I have been pretty much running on fumes. And so Friday rolls around and I feel like having some drinks with friends and everything went fine without any issues, after a few hours I went home sat down to play a video game & just relax and not to long after I felt a weight on my chest like someone just sat on it and I knew as I have had the feeling before and so I tried to reassure myself it would get better with getting up and moving around but that worsened the situation so after a few minutes I called my neighbor and asked her to take me to the er as the pressure was not residing and I was vomiting and having a tough time breathing. We arrived quickly at the local hospital which is few miles away and the nurse on duty checked my vitals and hooked me up to the EKG machine, at the time I was feeling a bit more comfortable as she called on the nurse practitioner to come and get every going and everything came back fine from the EKG . The NP on call was a former employee of my doctor and who I use to see for my monthly check ups and who originally prescribed my Xanax for my anxiety disorder, he was very rude and at the time and unprofessional I believe he was woken by the nurse and found it a burden that someone had come into the er and talked to me as I was a child and asked if I will still taking the same medication and accused me of being drunk as I informed the nurse beforehand that I had some beers earlier while I was out. I held back trying to argue with him at the time as my chest was still aching from muscle tension and I just wanted to leave and then he went on to try and argue with my neighbor who brought me in,then mentioned giving me a 50mg benadryl shot which I declined. I felt angry after I left as I have never been treated that way while in the er, my neighbor was fuming as well at the demeanor he was showing but as I know he is still affiliated with my doctor I thought it would be better to inform him know how I was treated, sorry for dragging it on but I really just wanted to get it out there as I know a lot of you have GAD and have had issues at sometime or another and I want to let you all know that I know what you are going through as well.

04-15-2013, 06:07 AM
If you don't feel you were treated well by the NP, you should definitely go back and report it. I would also write a letter and submit something formal as well. There is absolutely no excuse for being rude and unprofessional when people go in for assistance. Getting woken up in the middle of the night during the night shift is expected when you are a nurse, doctor, firefighter, paramedic, etc.