View Full Version : Question about Anxiety about being sick due to anxiety...

04-13-2013, 05:26 PM
Okay, so I have been sick for over 2 months (nausea, loss of appetite, upper and lower abdominal pain/discomfort, digestion issues, depression, anxiety and fatigue). I have been to the ER once where they ran a series of tests and I later went to a free clinic where the doctor felt around my stomach for abnormalities and prescribed me Lexapro (been on the lexipro for a little over a week now)

I have had anxiety before in life as well pretty severe anxiety, , but never anxiety like i have now where it can be so severe as well as last all day long. Some days it seems like it is there almost 24/7 and I don't know what to do to turn it off, , I've tried meditating, guided meditation, exercise... but none of these things seem to help, , it's like my anxiety has a mind of it's own. The thing that causes me the most anxiety (possibly the only thing) is my sickness... Sometimes I'll feel fine, almost completely normal, , but then once I start feeling pain or feeling sick, then my anxiety comes along with it...

My question is, how do I break the cycle!? This is madness.... I just want to feel normal again but I am soooooo miserable everyday. The worst thing is too is that a lot of times in the evening by the time I go to bed I feel okay, almost normal, but every single morning without fail I wake up sick and with that comes the worrying, the fear, the anxiety... I actually thought last night (I felt good and almost normal for 6 hours before bed time) what if I just didn't go to bed, , what if I just stayed up and waited this out, , cause I know that once I wake up in the morning I am going to feel completely horrible again, , would that work? I am at the end of my rope with this and I just want to go back to feeling like normal, , normal sounds so wonderful...

04-13-2013, 07:53 PM
Man - I can definitely relate to your post! I was always anxious, but it never really got in the way of my life, or quality of; then February 2013, things got bad - anxiety and full blown panic attacks. I also have what seems to be sickness or discomfort trigger which you described - I'm OK, but if I get a weird feeling in my chest, or a feeling like my breathing feels labored it spirals into panic.

Good luck - I just want to feel normal too..

04-13-2013, 08:43 PM
Im the same as u guys too :( hows ur meds helping?

04-13-2013, 09:06 PM
My anxiety comes and goes too... And can be a couple of hours to an entire day. It sucks and just a few months ago came back strong.
I'm on Cipralex daily and Ativan for as needed. I use to take Clonazapam As needed and it was more effective and think I'm going to ask my doctor to change it. Also the Cipralex doesn't seem to be working. I did for a couple of months then, not so much. I was told to try Celexa by a friend .