View Full Version : Social interaction

Hunt Shtick
04-12-2013, 02:10 AM
Hi im 21 yo and i have social fear or withdrawal or something ,been depressed and shut out since i finished school im in college now and im doing stuff excpet i havent gone back to talking to people yet and this was my recent shot.

So i just got off of a video chat group with people i hadn't met i tried my best to talk or do something ,i liked the group they were playfully jabbing at each other but to me it was intense what i did it seems was go in my head and feel myself out like when some one made a joke id feel like returning something playful but i felt that coupled with fear or w/e it came with fastened heart rate freezing up and intensity i couldn't even type ,there were about (5) people active and that overwhelmed me ,even though they seemed normal to me,like humans ,like i can just talk and be myself and wouldn't need to be super awesome first

WTH emotions ,why do i keep getting these kind of reactions?

fwiw i don't have physical anxiety i mean i am generally pretty daring and can try new physical activities.

i had thought that i needed to take this socializing thing in steps but i was so overwhelmed. i'm now questioning if i'm ready

i mean at this point im pretty sure i have a chemical imbalance