View Full Version : Bad day :/

04-11-2013, 03:26 AM
Yesterday I got really bad anxiety worse than it has ever been. I have anxiety with contamination. Me and my boyfriend took a walk and while on that walk there was fertilizer that was on the sidewalk that we were walking on, I was wearing sandals so it made my anxiety go up a little bit. Then my boyfriend asked me to help him clean out his car. Well he touched some kind of cleaner that's for the car and it had leaked out and got on the bottle and he got it on himself and started handing me things that he had touched with that same hand he got the cleaner on. Then he asked me if I wanted to wash the windows and I shook my head no because I would have to use window cleaner and knew I would go crazy. A couple minutes later he asked me what was wrong because I was acting weird. I told him that my anxiety was getting to me. At this point I'm trying my hardest to not cry. He told me to just go in and wash my hands. I did wash my hands twice and that didn't clam me down I was still trying not to cry. I ended up doing some breathing exercises that my therapist gave me and that calmed me down. But I now I can't stop thinking about what happened. And why it was so bad like that. I even considered calling my therapist when I was having this freak out. I'm just confused and I just feel down right now.